Mateusz Morawiecki: we send support to the south of the country


The head of government participated in a joint press conference with the Minister of Agriculture Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski

– We will ensure that residents will not be harmed. And as much as possible, to eliminate the effects and prevent the effects of the floods that are there in the south of Poland – said Prime Minister Morawiecki. During the night, I spoke to the Minister of the Interior, Joachim Brudzinski, who is constantly on the lookout for flood, flood and flood risks in southern Poland, he said. He added that Dunajec and southern Little Poland are particularly vulnerable

As the Prime Minister said, the situation now seems a little better. He added that the situation is kept informed by the voivode and the minister of internal affairs. – Extra forces are going there, who are looking for a possible support – emphasized

M. Morawiecki also discussed the issue of water management. – As part of the village plans, we will catch up with the past 125 years – he pointed out –

. He pointed out that in the West, drainage, irrigation, l 39; Irrigation of fields or the evacuation of excess water in case of flooding are stabilized. – In our case, there is still too much water or drought or other disasters – he said

Prime Minister announced investments in water management in the dimension "up to now this was not the case". We want to tackle the problem of water management in rural areas in a much more professional way.

As reported by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, since yesterday, firefighters once. The worst situation is in Małopolska, where firefighters were leaving 414 times.

– In connection with this situation, Joachim Brudzinski, Minister of the Interior and Administration, is in constant contact with the voivodes of the threatened regions. Injured people will receive the necessary help. First, local governments will assess the situation and send information to the voivodes. Later, they will go to the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, which decides to start financial assistance – reads in a communication

It was added that because of weather conditions, five Scout camps were successfully evacuated and there were 427 people. 21 residential buildings were damaged

More than 8,500 people participated in the activities yesterday.

Today, for the same reasons, 174 interventions were reported for 1054 firefighters at the same time

Trails blocked in the Tatras

Torrential rain closed one of the three outlets Water from Zakopane to Kuźnice. The tourist trails in the Tatras have also been closed. Due to the high water level, the popular trail around Morskie Oko has been flooded. The crossing of the lake is impossible. The trail from Morskie Oko to Rysy is also closed

The partially flooded Mroźna cave, which will be closed until further notice.

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