Medical exemptions after the ZUS magnifier. 195 million PLN to be returned


In total, the amount of benefits reduced and withdrawn exceeded 195 million zlotys – informs the spokesperson of the Social Security Office, Wojciech Andrusiewicz.

A ZUS spokesperson noted that during the layoff period, an employee was not allowed to do paid work or activities that could hinder his recovery. Anyone who violates the ban must reckon with the fact that he will lose the right to sickness benefits.

In 2018, the Social Insurance Institution achieved 496.3 thousand. control of persons with a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. These were both controls on the adequacy of work incapacity, that is to say the verification of the patient's state of health and the use of the derogations – informs the PAP.

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In total, the amount of cash benefits reduced and withdrawn from social insurance in case of sickness and maternity in 2018 exceeded PLN 195 million.

ZUS recalls that employers who employ more than 20 people also offer the opportunity to control the appropriateness of using sick leave for their employees, who then pay benefits.

8 minutes ago

ZXCHe grabbed Tatarzyna's pod and Tatarzyn kept his head. That's how I would describe this situation. Thieves (because that's what they call phishing allowances) are trying to pick … Read all

9 min. there is

ZK590They control those who work on the site for 40 years and benefit from Level 4 exemptions.

7 min. there is

They treated.They said that they go to L 4, so they have it.

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