Merkel: the German government is strong despite the struggle for migration


Merkel's fourth-term government took office in March after a six-month effort to form a new government coalition. Up to now, it has been remarkable especially that the two-party conservative group of Merkel has threatened to bring down the administration earlier this month.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had previously threatened to unilaterally return migrants to the German border in defiance of Ms Merkel, who insisted that Berlin should not take any measures that would further undermine the situation. unity of the Europeans. European Union

Merkel said at his annual press conference that the issue raised a "fundamental question" that deserved to be debated, even though the migration to Germany is much lower than it was in the past. at the height of the influx of refugees and migrants in 2015 and 2016.

She acknowledged that "the tone of the debate was often very hard," adding that politicians should be more cautious in their choice of

"I think some have already tried to take this to heart," she said.

Although she did not specify, the Bavarian Gov. Markus Soeder – a leading member of the Seehofer party – recently recoiled Ms Merkel emphasized the actions of her government in other policy areas, such as efforts to help the long-term unemployed, secure pensions and strengthen the nursing profession.

much more than what may have been perceived from the outside, but we have to blame ourselves for that, "she said. "So we will see that we are in conflict – and I will say it again, there will be others – so that the results are not based in the background."

Asked if she was considering resigning: "No, no, no, no."

As for his future, the 64-year-old man who led Germany for 12 and a half years, reiterated that she told voters that she is ready to serve this legislature, "

She dismissed a question of whether she excluded running for a fifth term, which few people expect of her that she is looking for.

"There is a good time for everything," said Merkel.

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