MH370 families hope answers from the official report


Relatives of passengers on flight MH370 said Monday that they hoped that a long-awaited report on the disappearance of the aircraft would give them answers on one of the most mysterious sustainable aviation.

in the morning, to the Malaysian Ministry of Transport and was to be informed by officials, and it was to be made public in the afternoon.

The Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared in March 2014 with 239 people – mainly from China – on board, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing

No sign of this was found in a search zone of 120,000 square kilometers (46,000 square miles) and the hunt led by Australia, the largest of the history of suspended in January of last year.

The US exploration company Ocean Infinity resumed hunting early this year on a "no found, no cost" basis, using high-tech drones to scour the seabed. The new government of Malaysia, which took power in May, promised full transparency and declared the final report of the official security investigation team – a 19-member body that includes organizations international. Upon arriving at the Ministry of Transportation to receive the report, Nurlaila Ngah, whose husband Wan Swaid Wan Ismail was an MH370 crew member, said she hoped for a "solid response" about what is come. "In the airline industry, tragedies are happening but there are clues as to what could have happened," she told AFP. "It does not make sense to them (the investigators) say that there is no indication of what could have happened."

But Calvin Shim, whose wife was a flight attendant, was skeptical. More than four years of unsuccessful research

"I do not expect new revelations from this report," he said. "The black box was not found, the wreckage of the plane was not found."

He however hoped that the government would try to find new clues and would consider resuming research

were found, all on the shores of the western Indian Ocean, including part of the US. wing of two meters called flaperon.

There has been a host of theories explaining why the plane disappeared, ranging from an accident to a hijacking. The plane of Malaysia Airlines disappeared in March 2014 with on board 239 people – mainly from China – en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing

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