Michał Szpak will not take it. Star M like Love just says what he thinks of him


Michał Szpak is undoubtedly the most colorful and controversial figure of the Polish show and the music scene. The man creates an original artist with unusual views, tastes and style, but it is the surprisingly pronounced star "M jak miłość" who made the decision.

Michał Szpak began his media adventure by participating in TVN's "X-Factor" program. It is true that he has not managed to take first place on the podium. To everyone's surprise, he was defeated by Gienko Loska, but that did not deter him from continuing his career and seizing the Polish music scene.

From the beginning, the man has aroused keen interest among the Poles for his unusual appearance and views, which has often given rise to scandals and controversy, but this has clearly given him pleasure. Now, the star has been publicly rated by the beloved actress of TVP's cult production, "M jak miłość", and will certainly not like his words.

Michał Szpak surprisingly appreciated by the star "M jak miłość"

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, one of the favorite actresses of "M jak miłość", recently gave an extensive interview in which she unexpectedly tackled the subject of Michał Szpak and his original image.

– Michał has a unique personality. If specific, but in a pleasant way, it has always been specific. I like him a lot and I value him and I think it's just good, that he is so different and individual and that he has his own style, his image. Super, "said the singer.

The celebrities work together on the set of "The Voice of Poland" and until now, they seemed to be friends, but her statement indicates that the woman does not understand it at all. Michał Szpak can not resist such words – after all, he stressed repeatedly in his interviews that his image was associated with the artistic soul and the release of emotions, not just the desire to distinguish oneself from others and to emphasize one's individuality.

Behind the scenes of the upcoming finale "The voice of Poland"

In addition to the public evaluation of the singer, she decided to reveal some details related to the upcoming finale of The Voice of Poland.



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– This year we have a very high level. I am pleasantly surprised and I cross my fingers for everyone. It is difficult to really choose another person because each person is different, each person is unique in their own way. It's always a huge difficulty. I wish all those who reached the finals come back later and look after their careers and their voices and do not stop there, "she said.

She honestly confessed that her favorite unfortunately has no chance of winning.

– I was in love with Mario Szabanie, but he left recently, so we'll see – she confessed regretfully.


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