Mierzejewski lost a penalty in his debut at Changchun Yatai


  Slightly in the hands of the keeper. Pole wasted a penalty early

Photo: Adrian Mierzejewski / Twitter

Video: GettyImages, Wikipedia
Mierzejewski played the Polish national team 41 times

In the last season he shone, won the title of the best Australian football player and won a transfer. However, the debut in Chinese Changchun Yatai Adrian Mierzejewski will not be well remembered.

The former Polish representative is a real globe-trotter. In addition to appearing as Polish Prime Minister, he has already played in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and finally Australia.

Conquered Australia

In each of the teams he represented was the main figure and color of Sydney FC. Antipodes scored 13 goals, had nine assists, won the best player trophy and got the best transfer in the history of the Australian league. Last week, for 1.3 million euros, he was sent to the 12th China team.


He will wait for the league

He did not wait long for his debut. On Monday, Mierzejewski played 30 minutes in a friendly Super Champions Cup match against Newcastle Jets. The match ended with a 1: 1 draw, so a penalty shot was needed to settle.

The Pole started, but he did it in a terrible way. The 31-year-old wanted to play with the goalkeeper, he hit the style of Antonin Panenko (a podpiska in the middle of the goal), but the goalkeeper was not fooled and calmly caught the shot.

Nobody would blame Mierzejewski for this mistake. The Chinese expect it to be effective when it starts in the official match. On July 17, his team will play a league match against Chongqing Lifan.

Author: pqv
Source: sport.tvn24.pl

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