Mierzyno. Shoot took the cyclist. The woman is dead


The accident occurred on the road near the holiday center in Mierzyn. The deduction occurred when the truck driver passed. – A woman, a resident of the municipality of Międzychód, was hospitalized, unfortunately, she died, according to "Głos Wielkopolski" Przemysław Araszkiewicz, spokesman of the Poviat police headquarters in Międzychód

. the truck driver drove from Międzychód to Drezdenko. He was sober. Investigators from Szamotu³ explain the circumstances of the accident. Police call witnesses for help. – People who could have spent this time, please contact the police at 501 653 467 – calls to Przemysław Araszkiewicz

.Before passing or changing another car. Life is more precious than your time

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