Mikołaj Roznerski honestly let M as love. Marcin will surprise Iza and Ania


M for love, Marcin (Mikołaj Ronzerski), Iza (Adriana Kalska), Ania (Maria Pawłowska)

Author: Instagram
M for love, Marcin (Mikołaj Ronzerski), Iza (Adriana Kalska), Ania (Maria Pawłowska)

Marcin (Mikołaj Rzonerski) disappear from the TV series "M jak miłość"? Who will he choose: Izia (Adriana Kalska) or Ania (Maria Pawłowska)? Mikołaj Roznerski answered these questions during the last interview! It turns out that Chodakowski will ruin well and that viewers like "M jak miłość" will not necessarily be happy with his life choices. What did the actor confess exactly? Will Roznerski leave the show?

And then with Iza and Marcin from "M jak miłość"? Will Mikołaj Roznerski leave the production?

The life of Mikołaj Roznerski and her serial character of "M jak miłość" will certainly combine two things: the possibility of changing lives and constant pressure forward!

The actor continues to grow and his private life began to grow alongside Adriana Kalska. Meanwhile, Marcin de "M jak miłość" still has not decided who he really likes.

The choice is not easy, between women as remarkable as Iza and Ania.

However, before going further in the story "M jak miłość", it is worth mentioning an important question. In an interview with Flesz, Mikołaj Roznerski explained how he had worked on the set after all these years.

Gwiazdor does not complain at all about the lack of job offers, which could be detrimental to his stabilization plans and greater concentration on his loved ones. Does he intend to give up "M jak miłość" in the near future?

– Absolutely not! This series helped me a lot at the beginning of the actor journey. I finished the puppet department and I had no experience in front of the camera. There, I learned to lead myself. Producer Tadeusz Lampka has trusted me and we are working together so far – he calmed the Roznerski fans.

Returning to strictly serial events, Marcin on screen revealed that things – if possible – would become even more complicated. In addition, viewers might not like his future decisions regarding the choice of a partner!

– In "M jak miłość", thanks to a nice scenario, I always learn something new and my character will surprise the viewers. Not necessarily positive. (…) Marcin makes a good comeback and has to face a difficult heart choice: what woman to choose because there is Ania in his heart … I think every man has found himself in such a stalemate at least once in his life.

Many Internet users in the fight for Chodakowski's heart support Iza, but Ania also has many fans. According to you, what did Mikołaj Roznerski mean when he said that Marcin would surprise the viewers?

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