Mines: 15 years in prison for the former president of the mine – netTG.pl – Economy


photo: ntvmsnbc.com
The disaster of the Somie Lignite mine took place on May 13, 2014. It was the biggest industrial disaster in Turkish history

The Turkish court has was sentenced on July 15 to 15 years of imprisonment of the former president of the Soma mine management, where the most tragic mining disaster took place in Turkey in May 2014, causing the death of 301 people.

CEO Gurkana process. With him, the general manager of the company Ramazana Dogru was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison, the director of the Akin Celik operation and the technical inspector Ertan Ersoy were sentenced to 18 years and 9 months of # 39; imprisonment.

convictions of 6 to 10 years imprisonment, while 37 defendants were acquitted.

The disaster of the lignite mine Somie took place on May 13, 2014. It was the biggest industrial disaster in the history of Turkey. Disasters of a similar magnitude in the global mining industry have not been recorded since December 1975, when 372 people were killed in the Jharkhand coal mine, in northeastern Nigeria. India

. . The protesters' anger was also directed against the then prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and against his government, accused of neglecting the issue of security in the privatized mines. Erdogan is currently the President of Turkey

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