Minister: Warsaw threatens to paralyze. Vice President: there will be no Naples


– Warsaw is threatened with garbage cessation from the new year, while the other – Naples – was assessed Wednesday by the Minister of the Environment, Henryk Kowalczyk. The authorities of the capital are reassured by the fact that this situation will not happen again and that garbage will be regularly collected from the residents.

At the press conference, the minister pointed out that the municipality was in charge of the waste management issue. He reminded that from the new year in the capital, the new junk mail system will be in effect, in accordance with the regulation of July 2017. The fact that the city can have a lot of problems with its implementation, we informed Tuesday at

According to this regulation, waste must be collected on the basis of five factions: mixed waste, glass, paper (including cardboard), biodegradable waste with particular emphasis on biowaste, metals and plastics.

Currently in Warsaw, garbage is collected on the basis of only three factions: separate waste, wet (mixed) waste and glass waste.

The city has called for tenders to adapt to the new regulations. Michał Olszewski, vice president of Warsaw, announced the opening of tenders on 4 December. The first procedures were challenged by the companies. After the decision of the National Appeals Chamber, the opening date of the opening offers has been postponed.

"The situation with regard to waste management in Warsaw is very bad"

According to the ministry, the problem of waste in the capital could increase because it remains only one month until the end of the year.

– The state of waste management in Warsaw is very bad compared to other European capitals. The EC carried out the research and Warsaw fell very badly, also in comparison with other cities of the voivodeship. By 2020, the recycling rate of municipal waste should reach 50%. In 2017, Warsaw has reached the level of 20% – said Kowalczyk.

According to ministry officials, there is a real threat that a call for bids on waste in Warsaw will not be resolved or that winning companies can not prepare for the new collection rules in a month . Kowalczyk felt that if this happened, "there would be a real threat" that the capital threatened to paralyze garbage, the second city of Naples.

According to the Minister of the Environment, it is likely that in case of problem with the call for tenders, the authorities of the capital will entrust the need to organize a new system for the Municipal Cleansing Company (DFO) under the so-called internal procedures. Kowalczyk, however, referred to the summer situation in Warsaw's Mokotów district, where DFO resumed Lekaro garbage collection. The minister pointed out that in many places the waste remained in the heat for more than two weeks, creating a health risk. According to the ministry, this situation raises fears that DFO will be ready to collect garbage from the entire city.

"We will not let that happen"

Michał Olszewski, vice president of Warsaw, assured Wednesday in an interview that in the capital, residents' garbage is and will be regularly received and that there will be no danger to the inhabitants of the "second Naples ", where there was tons of rubbish in the streets, that there was no one to remove.

Olszewski explained that the new separate collection system will officially operate throughout the capital as of 1 January 2019.

– For the moment, we are waiting for the opening of the offers (in the call for tenders – red.). Then we will discuss with companies how to allocate it rationally over time. For us, the most important is to ensure the collection of waste residents and we are surprised by the fact that we are afraid in Naples that waste will be on the streets. Before, people were terrified and nothing like that happened. Despite the "sincere" intentions of the minister who would like Naples to be in Warsaw, we will not allow it. There will be neither Sofia nor Budapest – Olszewski said.

He added that an information campaign for residents on the new waste collection system in the capital will be launched in December.

Referring to Mokotów, a representative of the town hall admitted that the problem of waste disposal existed, but it lasted only a short time and concerned 4% of the area of ​​this district.

Olszewski also said that the regulations in force (from 2017) will not result in a significant increase in the level of waste recycling, but will certainly increase costs, which will affect the inhabitants.

The problem at the scale of the voivodeship

Assistant Minister of the Environment, Sławomir Mazurek, pointed out that at present, only one company in Warsaw has an appropriate waste treatment permit, and that another five companies have not yet received such permits, although applications were submitted to the Voivodship Commissioner in 2014/2015.

"This results from the slowness and negligence of the Marshal of the province of Mazovia, responsible for the planning of the waste management system in the voivodeship and the development of a waste management plan for voivodeships. which defines, among other things, the facilities required for the management of these wastes and is the only situation of this type in the country where designated regional facilities do not have valid permits. issued the required permits for such facilities "- said the Department of Environment in the release.

There is no investment

Mazurek added that the province of Mazovia is the only one not to have a properly adopted waste management plan, which does not allow, among other things, to mobilize European funds for investments related to waste management.

– After having agreed with the Ministry of the Environment of the Voivodeship Waste Management Plan in 2016, the Commissioner made changes to the document and this amended plan was submitted to the Sejmik. Therefore, the Assembly of the Voivodeship adopted a document that was not approved by the Ministry. The changes made by the Marshal would not be accepted by the Ministry of Environment because they concerned the installation of DFO at Radiów. As a result, this poorly adopted plan was repealed by an administrative tribunal in both cases (provincial and supreme) – he added.

The deputy minister explained that a new waste management project in the province of Mazovia had been sent to the ministry for approval in June 2018.

"The Minister of the Environment has already commented twice on this project, which the Marshal does not take into account in later versions of the project." The basic objection to the Marshal was the oversized capacity of the facilities relative to the projected size of the waste stream. the storage of municipal waste, by decision of the European Union, should be limited to 10% of the waste generated in 2030 (…) In the third version of the plan, the marshal keeps records of new redundant installations that have just started a lengthy permit application process, and at the same time reduced the processing capacity of facilities with valid permits, "said the Ministry of the Environment in a statement.

Marshal: it is the fault of the ministry

According to the head of the department of waste management at the Marshal's office, the Ministry of Environment deliberately blocks the adoption of the plan. – The department does not want to give a positive opinion on the plan. It is difficult to adopt it with the negative opinion of the ministry – explained Marcin Podgórski, quoted by "Gazeta Stołeczna".

In mid-November, the Marshal of Mazovia, Adam Struzik, also alarmed the fact that a garbage paralysis was waiting for us, but he declared that she had been directed by the department of the environment. As a result, the provincial authorities sent a notification to the Internal Security Agency and the Supreme Audit Office.

– In recent weeks, the Ministry of Environment has canceled other integrated authorizations for facilities receiving waste from Warsaw. He does it well that he has the opportunity to independently introduce the changes that he requires. In September, however, it introduced provisions obliging the voivodship environment protection inspectorate to shut down unauthorized facilities. As a result, subsequent installations can no longer accept garbage – explained Marta Milewska, spokesperson for Adam Struzik, during a conversation with the portal

She added that the department – instead of using its tools – would like to extend the "suspension" and forward the cases to the Marshal's office for reconsideration. – This despite the decision of the NSA, which ordered the minister to make such a decision – said Milewska.

PAP / kk / h

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