Mister Global 2018: The Polish Jakub Kucner II is the runner-up. pics


Up to now, beauty pageants have only concerned women. In recent years, there are also more beauty pageants for men. Men have many opportunities: they can be the most beautiful men of the international (Mister International), the world (Mister World) and the world (Mister Global).

Mister Global 2018 participated in the 2017 Mister Poland contest Jakub Kucner. Hunk competed in Thailand with 39 representatives from other countries. "The competition is very big, it's a world level" – said the Plejada before leaving Poland.

Mister Global 2018: the success of Jakub Kucner

The last gala was to be held on July 21st, but due to technical problems. It was delayed by 5 hours and finally handed over to the Sunday morning of the Polish era.

Jakub Kucner carefully prepared the performance on the world stage for two weeks.

In the grand final, he becomes the 2nd vice-champion of Global 2018. got the best result since Biało-Czerwoni participated in international beauty contests (male). It is worth remembering that Rafał Małlak became third vice president of the International in 2014.

– I still do not believe that this is really happening. I gave 200% and throughout the grouping and at the gala. It's a huge success and I did not expect it. The level was very high, but I think that verdict was composed of many factors, including what I do in Poland and my charitable activities. As the only European, he was promoted TOP 5. Thank you for all the support from people around the world and of course my countrymen – Jakub Kucner told us right after receiving the award.

Mister Global 2018: Results

Apart from the Bangkok Pole, the representative of Thailand (4th Vice-Minister), South Africa triumphed (III Deputy Minister), Egypt (I Vice-Minister Minister). The 2018 Global champion was US Dario Duque.

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