Monika G. referred to the accident. She presented her own version of the events


The accident caused by celebrity has already been the subject of widespread media coverage. Now she was interested in the question herself.

On Sunday at Ząbowska Street in Warsaw (Praga Północ), two cars collided. As it turned out later, Monika G. was sitting behind the wheel, one of three famous sisters who became famous for making a Christmas song. The celebrity was transported to the hospital. Witnesses to the incident, as reported by Pudelek, claimed that it was possible to smell the alcohol from her.

His sister, Małgorzata, stood in the defense of Monika. "I do not judge your behavior or any man, each of us has a worse time in life, day, week, month, we are not ideal people, everyone has the right to go wrong , public, stops to live during the day, "she wrote on Instagram, among others

Finally, she was interested in the issue, although, according to media reports, she found herself in a state Serious Monday night In the account she posted on Instagram, she admitted to being involved in an accident, but the media portrayed her in a different way than what she said. she was actually … other stars in the past, for example apologize for the incident, closing the discussion, decided to present it from her point of view. [19659005] Celebrity has explained that it was a foreign car that hit her car, and she did not know that the street was closed and hit the frame Following the maneuver, she posted a post in which she explains rather oddly.

– To make each of us a walking angel, the world would be beautiful. People make mistakes, not the first and the last … – she wrote. Well, we are not convinced that it is the most appropriate behavior in this situation. One thing is certain, it is not the end, and the celebrity again, instead of gaining support in the eyes of fans, is itself exposed to even greater criticism.

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