Monument to Lech Kaczyński with the T-shirt "Konstytucja"


A photo of the Lech Kaczyński monument in Szczecin, on which a T-shirt with the inscription "Konstytucja, Jędrek!" Was placed Saturday on Twitter, the Committee for the Defense of Democracies. – It is an anonymous action – said a representative of the KOD of West Pomerania

On the photo on Twitter of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy, you can see the monument of Lech Kaczyński, standing at al. Wojska Polskiego, for which a white T-shirt with the inscription "Konstytucja, Jędrek!" Was worn.

"President Lech Kaczyński with a message for @AndrzejDuda or a former employee will get it?" – says the caption of the photo on the portal. ] As KP ​​coordinator for West Pomerania Anna Rybakiewicz told the PAP in an interview with PAP, CODE members took a photo of the monument on Saturday around 8am. The shirt was to disappear in less than an hour. , "positive message" and "nothing insulting".

According to Rybakiewicz, the shirt "warms the image of the monument a bit"

. his opinion "can not comment" on this action and it is "outside the allowed scope" [19659003] – It is unfortunate that there are people who can occur on everything for immediate political purpose – added Bogucki. He also informed that the person who hung the shirt on the monument was registered by surveillance, and the event took place before the night

As Bogucki said, the Monuments Committee did not Did not make any decision on any other steps in this case. He noted that earlier its members must consult the Solidarity Council of Western Pomerania – the owner of the area on which the monument is located.

The monument to President Lech Kaczyński was unveiled on June 16 of this year. It is located at the headquarters of the Regional Council of NSZZ "Solidarność" of West Pomerania. Its construction was financed by donor contributions.

Monument of horror. That must be Lech Kaczyński?

Monument to the Red Army soldiers in Dąbrowa Górnicza overthrown!

ek / PAP / Twitter

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