Moody's plans wholesale energy prices in Poland at 180-230 PLN / MWh by 2022.


Poland is expected to achieve its greenhouse gas and energy efficiency targets by 2020, but can not reach the goal of covering at least 15% of the total energy consumption. Final energy from renewable sources, according to the Moody's Investors Service report. The agency expects wholesale energy prices in the range of 180-230 PLN / MWh by 2022.

"The June amendment to the law on renewable energy should boost the construction of renewable energy production capacity.The decarbonization policy and the continued reduction of carbon dioxide emission quotas will put pressure on product margins, "said Moody's vice president, Helen Francis, quoted in the release

. stable perspective), and the smaller Energi (Baa1, stable perspective). Moody's plans to increase the share of renewable and low-carbon energy sources, particularly at PGE, but underscores the weak base of this type of production. At the same time, he points out that the Polish energy industry remains based on coal

"Moody's expects wholesale electricity prices to fluctuate between PLN and 230 PLN (42-54 EUR) / MWh in five years up to 2022. By comparison, the current annual forecast rate greater than 200 PLN / MWh is higher than expected by Moody's among 160 PLN and 180 PLN / MWh,

The increase in forecasts reflects the rapidly rising prices of coal and carbon dioxide, and also takes into account the point of view of the agency Moody & # 39; s that the combination of fuels dominated by Poland will not change significantly, and the production of new conventional energies will likely exceed the expansion of renewable energies in the near future.

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