Moon of Blood 2018: The Christian Pastor preaches the end of the world is near – AMUSEMENT DE SHOC | Bizarre | New


Indiana-based pastor Paul Begley preach conspiracy theories about the end of the world and links them to the Blood Moon.

The Christian preacher, who thinks we are living in the end times, interpreted on July 27th. the lunar eclipse as an apocalyptic sign.

million. Begley believes that the astronomical event, which occurs twice a year, was predicted by the Book of Revelation, Book of Acts, and Book of Joel in the Bible

. the online audience and YouTube, where he shares his latest prophetic warnings and apocalyptic scenarios.

In his last sermon of one hour and 27 minutes, Pastor Begley warned the Moon of Blood in conjunction with eruptions, hurricanes and earthquakes. l & # 39; Apocalypse.

million. Begley said, "The world has gone completely crazy, okay, and the apocalyptic events that are going on in the last 24 hours are off the charts."

"I did not know what to call this watch, so I named it" Prophetic Doomsday Blood Moon causes typhoons, monsoons, volcanoes, forest fires, raging floods, Landslides. "

" It's amazing, lava flows. I do not know what to do with it.

"Asteroids, fireballs – it's off the charts and then we have some sort of scary clown in Atlanta."

"A guy went into a waffle from all the places, stole people and shot a guy in the neck, that we believe he's going to survive." And then, in Mexico City, a woman was possessed by the the devil in the train and a guy in a suit did an exorcism, right there in the train coming down the rails 19659002] "I mean what's happening now?"

According to Pastor Begley, the combination of " strange events "occurring all around the globe is linked to the close end of the world and the Day of Judgment.

The preacher often quotes biblical passages from the book of Revelation that speaks of the moon becoming" like the blood "before the end of time."

But the preacher does not think the world ends on the night of Friday, July 27. [19659002Aulieudecelal"interpretationbizarredelaLunedesangselonMBegleypresendswhichastronomiceventisaprecursoroftheapocalypse

He says: "The Moon of San The coming Friday, July 27 is the longest blood moon of the century. it is happening in the same y "The prophecy fulfilled the same year that Jerusalem became the eternal city of God, the capital of Israel, which fulfills a prophecy in chapter 48 of the Psalms."

Mr. Begley added that "apocalyptic pressure" was building around the world before the eclipse.

Most astronomers agree that the Moon of Blood occurs when a full moon passes through the darkest shadow of the Earth, or umbra

. sunlight scattered in the atmosphere painted then the moon in red orange hue – an effect known as Rayleigh scattering.

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