More than 1,200 migrants rescued from Spanish shores in two days


Madrid (AFP) – Spain announced Saturday that it has rescued more than 1,200 migrants from the sea in two days while the country's interior minister called for a European solution to the problem. illegal immigration.

Fernando Grande-Marlaska now seen "on the ground, the problems that exist, the problem of immigration that is a European problem that requires a European solution", as a result of a visit to the southwestern region of Cadiz.

Learn how the police and the Red Cross cope with the influx of migrants.

On Saturday, the Marine Rescue Service announced on Twitter that it had saved 334 people from 17 boats.

On Friday, the Coast Guard captured 888 people. Minister Marlaska criticized Mariano Rajoy's previous conservative government for its "lack of foresight"

. a center "in the port of Andalusia can accommodate 600 people

Earlier this week, more than 600 African migrants reached the Spanish territory of Ceuta after attacking a double border fence with Morocco and attacked the police.

Thursday's barrier is the largest in Ceuta since February 2017, when more than 850 migrants entered the Spanish Overseas for four days

The incident further accentuates the pressure on the country. Spain, which now exceeds Italy as the first destination for migrants to cross the Mediterranean by boat

More than 19,580 people have landed on the Spanish coast until now this year, according to the International Organization for Migration

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