Movement – bankruptcy, collapse, financial situation


Ruch SA – a national press distributor, owner of, among others Many kiosks and one of the oldest Polish brands – it is on the verge of collapse, writes Rzeczpospolita. According to the newspaper Ruch, there is neither money nor investor, which is why the company threatens to fall.

The fact that Ruch does not have money for other activities is not known today. As described by Rzeczpospolita, currently, publishers actually fund the company's current business because Traffic does not pay for the delivered press.

Movement on the brink of bankruptcy. The investor is missing

This state of affairs, the paper emphasizes, can not last forever. The company must find funding or a fall awaits. Also in October, it seemed for a while that Alior Bank was going to come to the rescue, which would extend the company's credit line. Shortly after this decision, however, the board of directors of the bank was changed and the loan, provided by Alior to the Ruch, was reviewed by the prosecution and the ABC.

In addition, the search for an investor did not yield results, although among the potential interested were mentioned, among others Poczta Polska, Orlen, PZU and PFR. "Now there is no more time to search," says the anonymous informant from Rzeczpospolita. As he adds, "maybe the state has already written the Movement for Losses".

In September, Ruch filed a speedy application in court. In November, UOKiK opened the verification procedure against the Movement, according to which the owner of kiosks could maintain close links with certain press publishers.


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