Movement on the verge of bankruptcy Must sell all kiosks – Trade


Ruch S.A. he is on the brink of bankruptcy. The only salvation seems to be to sell all the kiosks owned by the company.

Kioskw Ruch Network has 1700 properties and 500 rented outlets. They generate about 60%. income – writes "Puls Biznesu". However, to be able to sell them, "Ruch" wants to sell kiosks to the distribution company Ruch Ruch registered in April

Read also: Ruch will support the e-Kiosk in the market expansion

Chairman of the company Igor Chalupec ensures that investors interested in buying a part of the company's retail. Chalupec said that it could be sold next year.

Igor Chalupec, the main shareholder and chairman of the board, explains the difficult financial situation of Ruch in the state where he was preparing to privatize in 2010 and several years of searching for a new owner , The former US owner or Eton Park does not invest in any investment

.Ruch's short-term liability increased by nearly $ 100 million in 2017 from $ 551.1 million . Spada's income of 1.46 to 1.34 billion dollars.

Ruch S.A. was established in December 1918. The company was founded by Polish priests Jakub Mortkowicz and Jan Gebethner. Nationalized in the PRL was a monopoly in the distribution of the press. These books were distributed, they dealt with the printing and retail business.

After 1990, they were transformed into sole owners of the State Treasury under the name RUCH "SA and Books of the Movement.After the closing of the fund and the liquidation of its assets, the principal shareholder and the president of the company became members of Igor Chalupec in July 2017. (19659010)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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