MP Kukiz & 15 asks the government for a conspiracy theory about chemtrails


At the end of June, MP Barbara Chrobak of the Kukiz & # 39; 15 Club sent an inquiry to the Ministers of Health and the Environment. Its theme is "spraying harmful substances into the atmosphere". MEP writes that worried citizens report to her

People have to ask themselves if "programs to change the weather and manage solar radiation are carried out in the territory of Poland". Other names are: chemtrails, chemical streaks, geoengineering, geo-engineering of the climate. "This is a conspiracy theory overturned by scientists, according to which harmless contrails of condensation behind planes would be chemicals. used to control time or people.

"Citizens who observe this phenomenon say that the practice of geoengineering operations is more or less intense for most days of the year, and the number of Poles aware of these activities can be estimated at ten. thousand thousand "

– we read in the interpellation

" geoengineering spraying "responsible for" so-called "smog

MP points out that" this issue is virtually not discussed in the mainstream media until 39, nowadays trend in Poland ", meanwhile" hundreds of thousands of photographs and videos of these activities can be found on the Internet. "

MEP writes that" reports of people looking at geo-engineering plans, it seems that the so-called. Smog is much more intense on the days when these activities are conducted. "This could be an answer to the question of why smog a dozen years ago was not a problem, despite the fact that and industrial production was higher" – notes [19659002] Chrobak claims that the report on this topic appeared on world television, however, for example, the CBS television named by the MP writes about chemtrails in a short note on Elle also refers to "Kristen Megan's testimony" – a alleged former US Army Air Force employee, but the information on this subject is not in the serious media, but only on the pages on conspiracy theories and Internet forums.] The deputy writes also on meteorological manipulation and geoengineering, which are separate (and largely theoretical) issues and have nothing to do with theories of chemtrails and contrails

Environment Minister asks questions about chemtrails

The theory of conspiracy on chemtrails is surprisingly popular, but scientists sell it as a "complete nonsense". The white signs behind the aircraft are not mysterious, pulverized substances, but mere contrails, a cloud of water droplets or ice crystals.

– It forms when the high altitude hot water vapor of the engines condenses, mixing with cold air. Like a couple of a kettle – said the scientist, the physics teacher of the clouds. Szymon Malinowski

Although scientific commentaries on chemtrail theory are easily accessible, there are still people who question them – also in the Polish parliament. Kukiz's 15 MP is not the first. Former Environment Minister Jan Szyszko, MP in 2013, asked in an interpellation: "Are chemtrails intentionally triggered in Poland, and if so, for what purpose?

Then, in a detailed response, the Department of the Environment explained that contrails are a natural and harmless phenomenon, and that planes only release steam and carbon dioxide

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