Murder of a 60 year old man at the presbytery. Cardinal Nycz: It's a shock for me


"The news of what happened yesterday in the presbytery of St. Augustine in Warsaw was a shock to me," said the Warsaw Metropolitan to the tragedy of Wola.

"From one side, my thoughts immediately went to the family, the wife, the children of the murdered man, father of one of the priests of our archdiocese, and the other side of the parish community itself., to whom comes for religious service, it is a great question mark, what happened in our time sometimes "- we read the statement of Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz on the site of the archdiocese of Warsaw.

"I pray for the deceased"

He stressed that solidarity with those who have suffered from this murder is necessary and that it will be a test of love and forgiveness.

"Without a doubt, there is a strong retreat in this event that we had before Holy Week and that we are trying to draw conclusions for ourselves.It is a profound spiritual dimension of this whole affair, that this man who was killed, came out of the confessional, It is a sacrament that gives us all the liberation of our sins and prepares us for death. "This vigilance, which we do not know the day or the hour of his death , was strongly exposed here, I pray for the late Mark, in the hope that he already met Christ, because he was we are ready for this meeting ", summarizes the last part of the declaration of Metropolitan Warsaw.

The cardinal says that he prays for the family and for the parish community. "But I pray especially for the author of this murder, so that the good and merciful Lord will convert, heal and open to good, I pray for ourselves, so that we may think, pray and treat our paschal passage on the eve of the Easter triduum. "- finishes Cardinal Nycz.

Attack at the presbytery

Thursday around 17h there was a tragedy in the parish of St. Augustine at ul. Nowolipki. The man attacked two people. The priest was injured. The second man, a man aged about 60, died after the attack. The archdiocese said that the father of one of the priests had been killed.

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