"My dreams in Warsaw are a city that attracts people from all over the world"


The Warsaw government presents itself as a series of successes, and when the truth is shown on the subject, it turns out that everything is exactly the opposite

– said Patryk Jaki on TV in Polsce. pl

Candidate of Law and Justice as President of Warsaw was the guest of the program Michał Karnowski. The Deputy Minister of Justice drew attention to the problem of the slow development of Warsaw.

Warsaw has a budget almost as large as some countries in the European Union. The man wonders if Warsaw is growing proportionately to his abilities. Is it not that large budget funds are spreading to various interest groups, promoters, reprivatization of the mafia

– he said

Minister Jaki answered the question of viewers Poland. He mentioned the problems of public transport.

Warsaw must begin gradually, balanced way when it comes to transport

– said

Patryk Jaki also reminded how much the question of the construction of the subway looks like Warsaw

I do not know if you know that all the capitals of the region have two or even three times more kilometers of Warsaw than Warsaw, despite smaller budgets. Metro is not an unheard-of invention. It should be the basic means of communication in a metropolis like Warsaw

– he said.

I proposed the construction of two new metro lines simultaneously. That's my hard commitment

– he added

What about Plac Defilad?

I have my plan for Plac Defilad. I will introduce it soon

– said Jaki.

I have problems and ideas to repair Warsaw every day. Warsaw has been managed without any order and composition for the last years. Without a vision of what Warsaw is supposed to be

– he added

He also drew attention to the problem of the lack of an urban plan for Warsaw

Warsaw has deliberately no planning order. If this is not the case, the construction conditions are easy to display and developers can build buildings as they want and when they want. That's why Warsaw has smog problems

– said Jaki.

Warsaw is directed without order or composition by the dictation of the developers, under the dictation of this often strange case

– he added.

Media lies are one of the problems of the pre-election election.

Warsaw has a huge budget, and do not hide that she has a certain group of media who do everything to present me in a bad light, lying regularly. These people will do everything I would not go to town hall, because when I get in town hall, there are a lot of re-privatization scandals in there. 39, other regions. They do not want a fair Warsaw

– he said.

Every day there is a lie around me. I can not even get up on social networks

– he added.

They lie, among other things, that no house has returned to the city. After all, we have entries in the land and mortgage register, and 12 times the owner has changed and the capital of Warsaw

is in the books

Patryk Jaki is the head of the committee dealing with reprivatization Thieves in the Capital

Before we came to power, locals were afraid to open their own doors, because someone would throw them away. Now those who have reprivatized

are afraid – he said

What he also said of the Municipal Guard in Warsaw. He announced that after coming to power, this problem will be solved.

When I will be president, I will call the commander of the city guard and I will tell him: Sir, from today on there are other priorities in the city. Sufficient prosecution for seniors who sell strawberries, rather than placing wheel locks. From today, we patrol the streets, we keep the safety in schools, in the children 's gardens, in the parks. I will return the vectors of the operation of the city guard. Warsaw has a completely incomprehensible policy of fighting drivers. The city guards turn into James Bonds, who are looking for where to place a blockade on the wheel

– he said

According to Jaki, there is no conflict in Warsaw between the Old Varsovians and Newcomers

My dreams in Warsaw are a city that attracts people from all over the world. The challenge for the president of the city is also to let the people who live in Warsaw pay taxes here

– said Jaki –

Which also wants to solve the problem of the lack of nurseries and gardens. children in Warsaw.

One of the first decisions will be the creation of fifty new kindergartens and kindergartens in Warsaw

– he said

.He also referred to his main competitor of l & # 39; OP.

As far as Rafał Trzaskowski is concerned, there is nothing out of the picture

– he said

What he has announced that he does not would not give money for a show like "The Curse" at the Universal Theater.

I will never accept a show in my life where symbols such as John Paul II

are offended in such a vulgar manner – he said.

When I will be president of Warsaw, I will not spend zloty for ideology

– he added.

The president should be proud of the history of Warsaw. It should take into account the strength of this city and take into account this cultural code and how many inhabitants were able to sacrifice for Poland

– said Patryk Jaki.

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