Naklo: The priest dedicated McDonald's restaurant. The comments of the episcopate


The photos from the opening of the restaurant quickly circulated the internet. You can see not only representatives of local self-government, but also a priest who celebrates the premises of the popular network. The joint presence of secular and clerical authorities has encountered many negative comments from Internet users. It has also been pointed out that the participation of priests in such events lowers the majesty of the institution, which is the Church.

The case was commented by the representative of the Polish Episcopal Conference. Bishop Adam Bałabuch, bishop, president of the Commission for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, states that in this case it is not a "sacrifice" but an ordinary "blessing" – if something is sacred, it is excluded from public use. and turns into sacred. When someone asks God to bless a place where people will stay, even a dining room or kitchen, a priest can do it – explained the bishop in an interview with OKO reporters. press. dr hab. Dominik Ostrowski added that "jobs can and should be blessed, although one must always keep in mind the type of activity carried out and the reference to the teaching of the job". Church. "- Food establishments and restaurants can be blessed. it is for them the reality of spiritual benefit and protects from the supernatural realities of evil – he said

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