NASA-awarded MARSHA project targets 3D-shaped egg-shaped structures on Mars


3D printing is changing the way we design and manufacture the objects here on Earth, even the buildings in which we live. But this technology also has a revolutionary potential for construction projects outside our small green planet.

York AI SpaceFactory's architecture and technology agency conceptualized one of the most fascinating 3D-printed Martian habitats we have ever seen.

While most Martian concepts are centered around low domes and submerged structures, MARS HAbitat (MARSHA) is an egg-shaped vertical structure that is optimized to handle internal atmospheric pressure and structural stresses .

The AI ​​SpaceFactory construction plan uses an in situ resource utilization technique (ISRU) that involves harvesting and 3D printing. surface of Mars. Using the ISRU method, the team wants to eliminate the costly reliance on rockets to deliver building materials.

The development team is working on a mixture of basalt fibers – which would be extracted from the Martian rock – and PLA extract plants grown on Mars. This unique fibrous material has excellent tensile strength and radiation protection, while recyclable PLA provides dimensional stability and low conductivity.

The project received the second NASA Centennial Challenge Award.

MARSHA Project: New Vision for a Colony of Mars

The architectural design of the AI ​​SpaceFactory project promotes the idea of ​​developing "human-centered habitats" on the Red Planet . Although environmental conditions on Mars require designers to take a different approach when conceptualizing habitable structures, the MARSHA project aims to incorporate familiar human characteristics into an alien-like structure.

The ground floor of the structure has a garage interface with external systems and exploration activities, as well as a "wet laboratory" support. On the next floor, the MARS HAbitat contains a 34 square meter space that includes a common kitchen and a dry lab.

The third level includes cabins, a sanitation basin and a hydroponic garden. Finally, the top floor is a sky room for recreational activities and physical exercise. There are windows on each floor. which together provides a panoramic view of the outside world.

As for how the vertical structure is able to handle the conditions of Mars, AI SpaceFactory has also proposed innovative solutions. MARSHA has a double hull system that prevents space from expanding and contracting due to extreme temperature variations on Mars. This allows the interior to have a bright and airy feel, reproducing the conditions of a land house.

We all know that a life on Mars would be a trying experience, but the MARSHA project strives to bring the comfort of the Earth Martian settlement regulations. And, with 3D printing technology and ISRU at the helm, the dream of living on another planet seems more realistic day by day.

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