NASA awards contract for an aerial drone that can survive on Venus


In the light of renewed scientific interest for the planet, NASA is working towards an aerial drone that could survive in the upper atmosphere of Venus, according to Science Alert. Now, the agency has taken a first step towards this goal by awarding a contract to Black Swift Technologies, based in Colorado, for an aerial vehicle to perform atmospheric observations on Venus.

According to their CEO, Jack Elston:

"Black Swift Technologies has provided aerial solutions for wildland fire, volcanic observations, tornadoes and hurricanes – some of the most extreme phenomena on Earth. is a natural extension of our focus, only now we are focusing on the extreme conditions of Venus. "

Recent climate models have suggested that, like Mars, much of the surface of Venus may have been covered by Water, in the form of a shallow ocean that could have existed 2 billion years ago. Eventually, the planet suffered a greenhouse effect that led to the scorching heat it is known for today.

Another recent study, which included scientists from NASA, suggested microbial life in the clouds on Venus. In an interview with the Daily Camera, Elston explained:

"They are looking for vehicles to explore just above the cloud layer.The pressure and temperatures are similar to what you would find on Earth, so it could be a good environment to look for evidence of life.The winds in the upper atmosphere of Venus are incredibly strong, which creates design challenges. "

Winds reach speeds of 360 km / h in the upper layer of the atmosphere, denser and warmer than Earth.BST plans to use these winds to help the drone fly while consuming the least amount of electricity possible, using a technique called "dynamic boosting". Which takes advantage of wind shear to create lift and velocity Small aircraft and seabirds in long migrations use a dynamic flight on Earth

They received an initial contract six months, including a $ 125,000 grant from the federal Small Business Innovation Research Program. After this period, the company will submit its plans and, if approved by NASA, will obtain a second-phase contract.

The Venus surface temperature is the hottest solar system at 873 degrees Fahrenheit (467 C). However, at 30 to 40 miles (50 to 65 kilometers) above the surface, temperatures and atmospheric pressure are comparable to the Earth. This means that the upper atmosphere of the planet is part of a handful of places in the solar system with conditions similar to Earth, and therefore a strong candidate for the existence of life.

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