NASA names Emmy for its impressive coverage of Cassini's grand finale


NASA's JPL is among the Emmy nominees in 2018 for an exceptional original interactive program

Cassini's glorious mission is once again in the honor, and rightly so. The pioneering exploration mission of Saturn ended with an epic epic last September, as reported Inquisitr at the time. But his legacy lives on and is now celebrated with an Emmy nomination.

Designed and built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, the Cassini spacecraft kept a few million people on the edge of their seats during the final stage of its 20-year mission, diving into the sea. Saturn's atmosphere to disintegrate above the gas giant's sky and become one with the planet that he was sent to explore.

JPL's cover of the final act of the mission, called the Grand Final, Cassini in a full-fledged phenomenon. The JPL team ran a full digital campaign for six months to keep the public abreast of the events of the Cassini spacecraft and its scheduled crash at Saturn.

Their efforts were rewarded with an Emmy nomination by "The JPL has created a multi-month digital campaign to celebrate the mission's accomplishments in science and engineering and explain why the vessel Space must reach its end. the sky of Saturn, "said officials of the space agency

The campaign to make the world known the Cassini Grand Final launched with the fascinating diving of the spacecraft between Saturn and its rings – until then, an unexplored territory – which took place on April 26 2017.

The cover of the last episode of Cassini The exploits ran until the last moments of the mission, ending with a final round around Saturn and his rings and the meteoric blaze that marked the night. spectacular collapse of the space probe in the atmosphere of the planet on September 15, 2017.

scientific data "until the last second" before his glorious death, capturing a total of nearly 400,000 images on his long journey to Saturn.

"The campag did multi-faceted included regular updates on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Site Mission Cassini, "notes the space agency

But things did not stop there. JPL's coverage of Cassini's Grand Final featured "a dramatic short film to communicate the story of the mission and pre-visualize the end of the game," a series of 360-degree videos, including a catch in the control of the JPL mission; news about the mission and the people who support it; the space art of Cassini fans; "And software to provide real-time tracking of the spacecraft, until its last transmission to Earth," NASA reports.

The short film Youtube below, titled "For Your Consideration: NASA Cassini Grand Finale", presents the accomplishment of many achievements, pays tribute to the people who made everything possible and made the public aware of it. importance of the mission.

The list of nominees for the 2018 Emmy Awards in the Original Original Program category includes a Google Spotlight Stories "Back to the Moon" App and three Oculus VR Experiments, "Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab", "Coco VR" and "Spiderman Homecoming."

While the Primetime Emmys will be awarded on September 17, the Academy hosts a separate ceremony for the Emmys Creative Arts, which include interactive awards. This ceremony will take place on September 15 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

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