National Assembly. The opposition provides for a boycott. | policy


"For two and a half years, we have observed the continued violation and disregard of the Constitution by PiS." The event of tomorrow is not "the National Assembly," c & # 39; is the celebration of the end of parliamentarism and democracy in Poland. @Platforma_org will not participate in this cradle, "writes Grzegorz Schetyna, president of the Civic Platform, before the afternoon.

The former Sejm President probably did not surprise anyone with his words because the boycott of it from a week ago. The decisions of the majority of the parliamentary bodies around the Supreme Court were particularly important in this decision

but the boycott of the OP might not end. The departure of the event organized in the royal castle is also considered seriously modern – we learn from our interlocutors. The party of Katarzyna Lubnauer, however, depends on the development of a broad agreement in this area in the camp of the opposition. This would include the Platform, the Modern, the PSL and the extra-parliamentary opposition.

It is a big hucpa to organize the celebration of the 550th anniversary of Polish parliamentarism, when the parliamentarism dies in Poland

– says the head of Nowoczesna. – Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz rightly pointed out that this should be more of a funeral – he adds.

Asked about the plans of the Modern Assembly for the National Assembly, MP Witold Zembaczyński says:

you are there and leave the Congregation at the beginning of President Duda's speech. But how will it finally be, I do not know it yet. The questions are still pending

because Modern is still trying to convince the PSL to join the boycott. However, people have a dilemma – they come to appeal to the Sejm's President, Marek Kuchciński, that during the National Assembly there would be a discussion about the state of the state with participation of all policy options; make decisions before the official response comes in.

PSL politicians, we learn that the decision will probably be made only at the meeting of the parliamentary club Friday at noon. 10.00. If Marshal Kuchcinsky accepts the debate, the peasants will appear in the National Assembly. If he refuses or fails to send an answer, he will probably join the boycott.

Opposition politicians unofficially say that if a joint boycott takes place, it is possible to organize an alternative celebration of the 550-anniversary of Polish parliamentarianism. The non-parliamentary opposition would also be invited to participate

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