NATO survives Trump, but turmoil leaves scars


The discussion was healthy, said the official. This created more urgency and also allowed the summit meeting to end with an agreed message on improving spending, far better than a result where Mr Trump was dissatisfied and that the others were perceived as not caring, he added. Mr Trump came back quieted, spreading his own feeling of triumph, although he said the day before that the member nations had to reach the target of 2% immediately, and that the target should reach 4%. I think the meeting was less divisive than dreaded, "said Alexander Vershbow, a former NATO deputy general secretary." I think it's the reality show that the president likes. There was not enough drama, so Trump has a tantrum, hits over the table, and allies are used as props in his reality show. "

That being said, he added:" NATO continues. "

According to him, the content of the meeting is contained in the communiqué.This document, the result of nearly a year of work, commits the alliance to a stronger deterrence against Russia, more than 39 efforts on cybersecurity, a strengthening of the Southern Alliance strategy and a new training program for Iraq, Tunisia and Libya.He also called on countries to devote at least 20% from their military budgets to equipment and modernization

The United States is paying 22% of the NATO budget, including offices, salaries and some common equipment. International Institute for Strategic Studies, of the $ 603 billion that the United States spends each year on the military, about $ 31 billion is destined for Europe.

Finally, some Analysts criticized Mr Trump for inventing a "NATO has always had a good story to tell the communiqué reflects a strong and resilient alliance that is making real progress on a series of challenges. "Said Amanda Sloat, a former state department official now at the Brookings Institution." Trump's tweets and warlike provocations have sadly eclipsed what should have been a mere message of success. "

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