NBA: Marcin Gortat on the chances of Clippers and to settle in Los Angeles


On the occasion of the MG13 Foundation Camp in Bemowo, Warsaw, Marcin Gortat was interviewed by the media about the transfer to Los Angeles Clippers. He told me how he was supposed to buy Jerome Robinson's number 13, what he was moving to California and the owner's news Clippers.

Marcin Gortat is full of enthusiasm when he talks about his new team. One year ago Clippers left Chris Paul, was transferred during the season Blake Griffin, and this summer DeAndre Jordan. There is therefore no nucleus of the team around which the team has been built in recent years.

– It is true that there have been a lot of changes in the makeup of the Clippers lately. We know that the team has been rebuilt. In my opinion, however, the Clippers still have a very good composition. There are players playing at a high level in the NBA. We will fight for play-offs – announcement Gortat.

Although after the "Big Three" (Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan) did not already have a trace, in the new team Gortata are solid players who will try to put themselves in the best

On the relentless return perimeter Patrick Beverly and excellent defender Avery Bradley. For this, who has great facility to earn points Lou Williams, and face a new chance Milos Teodosi.

The head of Clippers alongside Williams will probably be Tobias Harris, and if health makes it difficult to stop, perhaps also Danilo Gallinari. [19659004LosAngelLabandalsoGainaDefensiveBeat Luke Mbah and Moute. Under the basket, much confusion can do Showzl Harrell

Rival Gortata in the middle position will measure 221 centimeters of Serbian growth Boban Marjanović. – Boban is a fantastic guest, we know a bit about parquet. I suspect I'm going to have more than one hat in training, but that's life – Gortat.

Gortat bought number 13

Pole did not hide that he had to buy number 13 from newbie Jerome Robinson – that's right . I paid for the number 13. I had to get it back. It is very important for me to play with number 13 also at Los Angeles Clippers. The whole project of my foundation and my person is connected with MG13. I can not imagine having a different number. I knew this question would come into the money, so the question was – he admitted Gortat.

"I was born in a hat"

– Living in Los Angeles will certainly be fine. I have already talked a lot about it. I was born in a hat. I played in Orlando, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona and Washington, where I spent every day at the White House, while I was going to train, and now Los Angeles, in California. What exchange I fall on all fours – admitted with a smile Gortat.

Message to the Owner Clippers

– Immediately after the exchange I received a message from the owner Clippers. I was pleasantly surprised because it was the first club owner who wrote me to any transfer with my participation in the NBA. The owner of Wizards was also very good, which I would like to point out, but with Steve Ballmer I had the opportunity to talk and I can say that he is very positively curved on basketball – says Gortat.

Marcin Gortat will be the third highest paid player of Los Angeles Clippers [1945900] with a salary of $ 13.5 million. This is his last year of contract

Danilo Gallinari – $ 21.5 million, and the second Tobias Harris – $ 14 million

NBA: Gortat could only not to hear with Wall?

Radwańska and Fabianski in the Marcin Gortat team. Gortat Team vs. Polish army on July 21 in Łódź [1965-9022]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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