Netflix of tomorrow is available on Play! Six free months in voice and internet offers


I'm just at the Christmas press conference of Play, where he presented his new TV offer. The first details about his game had already been betrayed during the presentation of the results of the third quarter of 2018, we learn more about it today.

Play was already offering a PlayNOW television service in its offer. The new version will be more complete. In addition to accessing HBO GO or Showmax, customers will have access to Netflix.

With this new service, you will be able, with your loved ones, enjoy high quality entertainment and keep you up to date on the latest Netflix series successes: Narcos – Mexico or House of Cards, as well as discover a rich library containing movies, documents, children's programs and much more. species! For those who are not yet service users, their first serial marathon can begin with the first Polish production of the original Netflix – 1983, which will make its first appearance on the platform on November 30 – the same day as the promotion Play .


At the beginning of the game, he prepared the promotion of free access to Netflix for a year and a half. This option will be available to new customers and extend the contract in the voice offers. What is the cost of a new service? In each plan, the options Solo, Duet, Family and Generations, as part of the access to Netfliks Play, will increase data transfer by 20 GB. For example, in the Solo plan for 50 PLN, as we had up to now 10GB of transfer, after buying Netflix access, we will go to 30GB. Everything for 20 zlotys. After six months, the price of access to Netflix will depend on the plan and quality chosen. Fees will be paid with the Play account.


More importantly, priced at PLN 20, we will have access to streaming services, not only to Netfliks, but also to others, such as HBO GO or Showmax, without minimizing the basic data packet. as part of the new Non Stop Video service.

Video nonstop throughout the duration of the contract; it's a new Play service, through which users can watch popular video services without downloading data from their Internet package. The service covered four services: Netflix, HBO GO, Showmax and Redbull TV. The list of websites can be lengthened over time – the service is of an open nature and any legal video service that meets the technical requirements of the service can join it. To do this, simply contact the Play TV and Video team by sending a message to the following email address: [email protected].

Netflix will also be available in Internet offers in 4 packages ranging from 45 to 80 PLN. In the case of an internet offer without a device, we can choose from 3 packages from 40 PLN to 60 PLN.


In addition, in the group offers, Play will reduce the monthly subscription of 10 PLN. Of course, all packages also include the promotion of free access to Netflix for six months, as in voice plans.


The Non Stop Video service can also be included in Internet offers, so that the entire Internet package purchased can be used for other online activities. The promotion of free access to Netflix for six months free of charge will apply until January 31, 2019.

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