New algorithm could help find new physics


Scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed an algorithm that could provide significant answers to condensed-matter physicists in their quest for new and emerging properties in materials [19659002]. his graduate student Eli Chertkov, reverses the typical mathematical process that condensed matter physicists use to search for interesting physics. Their new method starts with the answer – what types of physical properties would be interesting to find – and goes back to the question – which class of materials would host such properties.

Reverse problem solving is not a new technique in classical physics, but this algorithm represents one of the first successful examples of an inverse problem solving method with quantum materials. And that could make the search for interesting physics a more rational and deliberate process for many scientists.

More physicists work in condensed matter than any other subfield of physics. , superconductivity and superfluidity to magnetism and topology

Experimenters probe the macro and microscopic properties of materials to observe the behavior and interactions of particles in materials under a strict set of controls. On the other hand, theoretical physicists of condensed matter work to develop mathematical models that predict or explain the fundamental laws that govern these behaviors and interactions

The field of theoretical physics of condensed matter has a reputation to be esoteric and difficult. for the layman to decipher, focusing on understanding the quantum mechanics of materials. The process of writing and solving condensed matter equations is extremely complex and meticulous. This process usually begins with a Hamiltonian – a mathematical model that summarizes the energies of all the particles in the system.

Clark explains, "For a typical condensed matter problem, you start with a model, which appears as a Hamiltonian. , then you solve it, and you end up with a wave function – and you can see the properties of this wave function and see if there is anything of interest. This algorithm reverses this process

"Now, if you know the type of physics you would like to study, you can represent it in a wave function, and the algorithm will generate all Hamiltonians – or models Specifically – for which we would get this set of properties.For more accurately, the algorithm gives us Hamiltonians with this wave function as a clean state of energy. "

Clark says that The algorithm gives a new way to study physical phenomena such as superconductivity.

are likely to be superconductors and then try to solve them. What this algorithm – in theory – will allow us to do is write a wave function that we know is superconducting, then automatically generate all the Hamiltonians or specific models that give that wave function as a solution. Once you have the Hamiltonians, in a sense, it gives you all the other properties of the system – the excitation spectrum, all the finite temperature properties.

This requires a few extra steps once you have the Hamiltonian, so we have not improved this part of the research process. But what we did, we found a way to find interesting models, interesting Hamiltonians. "

Chertkov adds:" There are a lot of wave functions for which there are no known Hamiltonians – maybe 50 years old. Now, we can take any of these wave functions and ask if any Hamiltonian gives them as proper states and you can end up with a model, no model, or a lot. For example, we are interested in spin-liquid wave functions, in highly entangled quantum states with interesting topological properties.

Theorists have built many spin-liquid wave functions, but do not know what Hamiltonians give them. In the future, our algorithm should allow us to find these Hamiltonians. "

Clark and Chertkov tested the algorithm on wave functions related to frustrated magnetism, a subject that presents interesting physics with many open questions. Frustrated magnetism occurs in a class of materials insulating, so that the electrons do not move, but their spins interact.

Clark explains such a wave function that they tested: "The spins of electrons in a frustrated magnet want to be antialigned, like north and south on a magnet, but they can not not because they live on triangles, a linear superposition of all these frustrated states and we crank this algorithm, and ask, given this wave function, which is a state interesting quantum on a frustrated magnet, are there any Hamiltonians who would give it? we found some of them. "

Chertkov says algorithm results could tell experimenters in the right direction to find a new interesting physics: "It would be a way to use it, hopefully, the physics you are interested in and you see what kinds of interactions can you give that kind of physics, and I'd like to see what kind of physics you're interested in. hope that the models you find through this method e may be searched in experiments and it turns out that you will find many models with our method.

Clark s "This reversed the part of the process where we were hunting in the dark.Before you could say, let's try a lot of models until we find something Interestingly, now you can say, that's the interesting thing we want, turn the crank on this algorithm and find a model that gives that. "

Research Paper

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University of Illinois College of Engineering

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