new candidates for the role of Yennefer. The Netflix Web site series is taking shape


New recordings have appeared on the network that present potential candidates for the role of Yennefer. This is of course the serial drama, which Netflix will provide us.

Some time ago, we informed of the occurrence of a mysterious recording. It was like that: on the site of Vimeo suddenly appeared video materials on which the Turkish actress played two scenes. The video was signed as a casting for the role of Yennefer. Then we wondered if it was the result of an error or an attempt to make noise near the actress. I thought it was very likely that we really heard fragments written for the purposes of casting, and Belçi Bilgin – because that's what the actress called – accidentally released them to world.

Today there are 2 new records on the network. I must add, unless they present exactly the same scenes as we saw in the Bilgin record. In the following material we see Clark Backo, who has several serial roles. She has performed at Eternally Earp and Remedy, among others, as well as in a hand-held tale and in Survivated Designated. See for yourself how she faced the material.

The second recording is presented by Katie Keight, who is probably not known to a wider audience. In the network, you can find information that she played in the Red Velvet TV movie and the Post Human Image: An Event.


Foram Encontrados do Vídeos de audições da Yennefer: A primeira of Katie Keigh. Mas e aí, gostaram? (About the link:

Published by Andrzej Sapkowski Brasil Tuesday, July 10, 2018

If you can trust these publications, it seems that the cast for the role of Yennefer is in full swing. I am of the opinion that the films presented may actually be materials recorded for The Witcher of Netfliks. Lauren S. Hissrich has assured earlier that the scenes that the creators will test the actors will not come from the series. It is possible, however, that the dialogues presented precede one of the scenes already written in the script. I'm talking about the wizard's bullet in Thanedd.

If I can afford to evaluate the performances that have reached us recently, it's better for the role of Yennefer until now Belçim Bilgin. Perhaps the strongest she has managed to reflect the qualities of the witch, whose fate was inseparably related to Geralt (19659011)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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