New mortals for travelers abroad. The zloty was very low, the currencies so dear a short time ago


PLN 4.40 – This was the cost of 1 euro tonight on Tuesday, July 3rd. This is the highest level since late 2016, and 14 grams more than a month ago and nearly 30 grams more than mid-April rates.

EUR / PLN exchange rate over the last 3 months

  EUR / PLN 3m exchange rate EUR / PLN 3m rate Source:

EUR / PLN exchange rate over the last 3 years

  EUR / PLN 3y rate EUR / PLN 3y rate Source:

This is even worse with the US dollar – it travels since January about 50 gr, and from April on 45 gr. Now it costs about 3.80 PLN. The last time the American currency was so expensive against the zloty was over a year ago.

USD / PLN exchange rate over the last 5 months

  usd / PLN USD / PLN rate Source:

British Pound also in recent weeks ¿Eje against the zloty the rate approaches the 5-zloty border which has not been visible for more than a year, although very close at the end of May

Exchange rate GBP / PLN in the last 5 months ± cach

  price GBP / PLN GBP / PLN Source:

The expensive euro, the pound sterling or the US dollar is bad news during the holidays. Those who go abroad on vacation and who did not buy the currency a few months ago will pay a lot more. To be able to say that to buy in Poland 100 dollars, less than 3 months ago it was necessary to spend about 335 PLN, and today it is almost 380 PLN. At, say, $ 300 or higher amounts of "losses" are already more than one hundred zlotys. Similarly, in the case of the euro – every 100 euros is now around 440 zlotys, and in April about 415 zlotys

These are course course "market", but if any " one does not use, for example, cheaper online singers, but exchanging currency in more expensive exchange offices or paying with a card on a zloty account (which "hopes" a high rate from your bank), so a dollar, euro or pound can cost him even The Swiss franc is also very expensive, which is bad news not only for tourists, but also, and above all, for hundreds of thousands of people repaying loans related to the exchange rate of that currency. The exchange rate of the Swiss currency has already exceeded the level of 3.80 PLN, about 35 g more than three months ago. The last time the franc was so expensive a year ago. Such a difference in the rate for a 30-year loan, for example, the equivalent of 300,000 zloty contracted about 10 years ago means a higher payment of about 150 PLN.

  chf / pln cours en chf / PLN Source: [19659002] What's going on?

Fatal lasts about 2.5 months for the zloty has two main reasons. First, rising interest rates in the United States – they sell the zloty (and other emerging currencies) and buy dollars by investing their capital in the United States. Second, investors hold the zloty and other currencies considered riskier when they are "in a good mood". And those on the market have recently deteriorated, among other things because of a trade war between the United States and China and Europe or the risk of the collapse of the German government coalition.


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