New polls on the elections in Warsaw. How will he catch up with Trzaskowski? – New


According to Pollster Research Institute's "TVP News" poll on the support of candidates for the mayor of Warsaw, he wants to get 32% of the votes for the candidate of the Civic and Civic Modern Platform, Rafał Trzaskowski. residents of the capital, and for the United Patriotic Right candidate, 25 percent.

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Patryk Jaki: Warsaw needs a strategy for innovative development

On the candidate of the electoral coalition of the Party Ensemble, Free City Warsaw , Polish and Green Initiative, Jan Śpiewak, he wants to vote 7 percent voters, and SLD candidate Andrzej Celiński – to 6 percent. Other candidates – Jakub Stefaniak (PSL) and former vice president of the city Jacek Wojciechowicz (non-member) – can count on 1%. support. 23 percent of respondents still do not know who they are going to vote for. The survey was conducted on July 4 and 5 by the Pollster Research Institute for "Wiadomości TVP 1" on a representative group of 523 adult residents of Warsaw.

CBM Indicator: Coming Closer

According to another study – CBM Indicator In the run up to local elections, the United Right candidate can count on 28.4% support. the respondents, and the candidate PO and Nowoczesna – at 34.5 percent. In the second round, Patryk Jaki would get 36.4 percent. and Rafał Trzaskowski – 53 percent. support. This survey was conducted by CBM Indicator on behalf of Jaki staff from June 27 to 29 on a representative sample of Warsaw residents

Patryk Jaki, commenting on the two polls on TVP Info on Saturday, said: "The Civic Platform has winning elections in the capital for years is an absolute favorite, but we have shown that we are fighting for something absolutely unique, namely that Warsaw escapes the hands of the mafia of reprivatisation. " That's why we have a very great strength and a great determination to make the capital honest, "he said. "I am pleased that these investigations show that this determination is bearing fruit, that more and more people want to fight with us." The candidate PO and Modern for the President of Warsaw, asked Saturday for the same polls, said: "Today, you can see after what happened with the law in the IPN, which was prepared by Jaka, that my opponent 's campaign it stopped completely. "" You can see that these assessments of his actions as a minister are extremely negative, "he added.

He also noted that" there are a lot of investigations "." I will not look at them, "he said." From the beginning I told you that the campaign will be difficult, that you will have to manage it all the time and that these differences in the end probably will not be big "- He added that "good surveys do not make me sleepy, and those who show a small advantage only confirm that the campaign, which will probably start in a month, will have to be extremely active." Now, just talk to the people of Warsaw, "he said.

Political parties Pollster: PiS still has a lot of benefits

The Pollster Research Institute also conducted a survey for" Wiadomości TVP "on support for political parties on July 4-5. This shows that 42% want to vote for Law and Justice, surveyed, PO – 26 percent, SLD and Kukiz – 15 – 8 percent. respondents, and for Modern and PSL – 5 percent.

PiS spokeswoman Beata Mazurek, referring to these results Saturday in TVP Info, said that "these are very good polls that they appreciate", but – as she said – in Law and Justice "we have repeated and repeated the election is won by hard work and not by polls." – And we are doing this work all the time – she stressed.

She also added that PiS fulfills the promises of the electoral program and recalled that in the cycle "Poland is a" politicians meet in different regions of Poland with voters. "We are talking about what we have done, what we want to do, but we are also talking to the Poles about what they want us to do," she said. She also said that PiS candidates to local governments listen to these demands and – as she pointed out – when they win the elections "these postulates of Little Homelands will be applied."

The first round of Local elections can be held on Sunday, October 21st. or November 4 of this year At the election, we will choose mayors, mayors and presidents of cities, as well as councils of municipalities and poviats and regional assemblies. The election campaign begins on the day the elections are ordered.


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