New statements by Ambassador Mosbacher – Do Rzeczy


Another scandal involving the US ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher. Yesterday, "Do Rzeczy" revealed that she had sent an arrogant letter to the Prime Minister of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, in which he strongly criticized Polish politicians for their critical remarks about the work of TVN journalists. , featuring information about the so-called Nazi environment in Poland.

As you learned "Do Rzeczy", it was not the first high jump ambassador of this type, Ambassador Mosbacher. Our source in the PiS government said that the US ambassador in the autumn of that year had called for "talks" with people associated with the Polish government involved in the work of amending the law on terrorism. Income tax of natural and legal persons.

– The ambassador invited to the meeting gave the impression that it was rather a commercial order. She was very interested in how the work on regulatory changes worked. He asked. And then a very surprising request was made – says our interlocutor. At least a few people working on changes to the economic regulations of the Mosbacher ambassador were invited to the meeting. What did they hear?

– The ambassador said very clearly, with open text, that it should not be true that all entities operating in the Polish market pay a tax of a similar amount. She said that the Polish and European market is difficult for US companies and hoped that solutions to reduce the tax burden of businesses from the United States would be presented – said our informant. He adds: – The ambassador expects that the new regulation will place US entities in a privileged position in favor of Polish companies. She talked about Ubera among others.

According to our interlocutor, the statements of Ambassador Mosbacher caused the consternation of the people of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. As our source suggests, it would even have been called a special council where people wondered how to respond to Mosbacher's startling demands and whether it was necessary to send a letter to Washington about it. Our informant does not know what extra course has been given to the case.

This morning, Przemysław Wipler also said on Radio Plus that he had heard of Ambassador Mosbacher's very serious interventions regarding the form of economic laws developed by the Polish government. The Wirtualna Polska – Michał Wróblewski – journalist wrote today: "The US ambassador was also to take the offensive when finalizing the work on the law relating to terrorism. income tax on legal and natural persons, which took place a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, "Do Rzeczy" revealed that Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin had canceled the meeting about which Ambassador Mosbacher had insisted.

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