New study suggests black holes may not have a circle of fire after all


Researchers at Ohio State University have found a fatal flaw in the firewall argument of black holes with their new study.

A new intriguing study suggests that black holes might not have a huge fire devouring everything that comes in contact with it. In fact, according to new data, these black holes can behave the same way as giant string balls, with the advanced theory that they slowly collect the "fuzz" while the objects continue to be sucked in.

Daily Mail Scientists who have conducted the latest research believe that the fuzzy surface of the black hole can move to make contact with objects even before they touch the deepest regions and the most hot black hole, says Samir Mathur. 19659004] "The probability that the electron hits a photon of radiation and combustion is negligible, and falls even further if one considers larger black holes known to exist in space. What we showed in this new study is a flaw in the firewall argument. "

In their new study, Ohio scientists looked at what could happen if an electron was suddenly projected into a black set having the same mass, like that of our sun.After analyzing their data, it was determined that the firewall theory would simply not work in this equation, as noted Mathur

"The question is," Where does the black hole catch it ?, the fuzzball surface grows to meet it before it has a chance to reach the party. hottest radiation, and it's a crucial discovery in this new pa Physics pier which invalidates the firewall argument. "