New traces of python tiger. "The tracking dog has confirmed his presence"


New information on the tiger python prowling on the Vistula. On Friday, a tracking dog joined the search campaign. The animal found more traces of the snake

  It all started by finding a moult

It all started by finding exuvia (Police)


Another version of the search for 39, a snake. About thirty people participated in Friday's action near Piaseczno: among them, representatives of Animal Rescue Polska with a veterinarian, two police patrols, representatives of the district crisis management center and of the WOPR. Firefighters from Wielkopolska of the volunteer fire brigade at Mosiny and the stalking dog also arrived

– The dog confirmed the stay of the python. The odor of the moult corresponded to the places we had previously considered the snake imprints. The dog has also reported them today – Dawid Fabjański of Animal Rescue Polska said in an interview with – He also found a bunch, which according to our veterinarian may be a snake, but it will be confirmed by genetic research, which will be done by SGGW – he added.

Fabijański also informed that the reptile search area will probably be expanded. As reported by, the foundation should summarize the current activities and publish a press release


The mysterious disappearance of the reptile


Reminder: the tiger python appeared in the commune of Konstancin Jeziorna in the poviat of Piaseczno. In the Gassy region, more than 6 meters of snake have been found. Everything indicates that the reptile can weigh up to 50 kilos and measure six meters. The exploratory action was conducted, inter alia, by Rescue Animal Poland Rescue and Rescue Service, Crisis Management Center in Piaseczno, WOPR, OSP, etc.

The Serpent was seen in the river near Glinki. – An attempt to capture the reptile has failed – said in a conversation with Wirtualna Polska, Jarosław Sawicki, a press officer of the police commander Poviat in Piaseczno. It was expected that the python would go to the beach or island on the Vistula to warm up after swimming in the river at night.

But that's not all. A wheelchair operator contacted the Poviat police district in Piaseczno, who claims to have seen a man take out a python from a car

– Indeed, this information has appeared, but this man does not have a car. has not been interviewed yet. He only informed that he had seen people on the beach near Wilanów who could be what could have been a snake – explains Jarosław Sawicki –


Feeling safe in the burrows


The tiger python can even 8 meters in length. It's not a venomous snake, but it has a lot of teeth. It's hard to provoke him to attack, so you really have to scare him.

Pythons do not like the free field. They are looking for places where they will feel safe. They have a relatively poor view. The small eyes do not allow them to grab the whole body and are always excited, upset, in the open air. This is why they are looking for holes or other empty tree trunks dug by other animals. They feel safe at home.

If someone meets a python, he should quickly leave and inform the services. You can call the Poviat police headquarters in Piaseczno at 22 60 45 213 or at the Animal Rescue Foundation Polska phone 22 350 66 91

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