"News" TVP said about Mick Jagger's words. Unlike others


Mick Roller at the Rolling Stones concert refers to changes in the justice system. His words have also been widely heard in foreign media. But in "Wiadomości" TVP, we heard that Mick Jagger said something completely different

– Poland is a beautiful country. I'm too old to be a judge, but I'm young enough to sing, "said Mick Jagger in Polish," We were here in 1967. Think of all you've done since then, may God be with you ", he added in English, so Mick Jagger spoke about the changes that PiS introduced to the Supreme Court.

Before the concert, Lech Wałęsa decided to inform the legendary rockers of the situation in Poland. the current regime wants to destroy the independence of the courts in Poland. "" Last year, they took control of the Constitutional Court. Now, against the constitution, they will absolve the judges of the Supreme Court, "writes the Nobel laureate.

"Many Poles are fighting for freedom, but they need your support. If you can say or do anything during the concert, it will mean a lot to them "- Lech Wałęsa's call ended

Not only Polish media but also foreign media wrote about Mick's lyrics Jagger: At the Rolling Stones concert in Warsaw, "wrote Billboard.com, and Reuters and AFP told Reuters and AFP his words of support and response to the call by Lech Wałęsa, and "Die Welt" and "The New York Times"

. also: The Rolling Stones on SN Miller: it was a nice gesture

However, in "Wiadomości" TVP in a document titled "Pressure-resistant government of Brussels and celebrities" we learn that Mick Jagger "paradoxically told Lech Wałęsa that he was behind Subsequently, the journalist of the daily "Gazeta Polska", Adrian Stankowski, said in a statement to TVP that "Mick Jagger's response was significant" and can be interpreted as " a refusal to take a stand. "

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