Next changes of jumps? "Exhaustion of the body" (


The International Ski Federation (FIS) will introduce new rules to weigh players? Everything says it. The next date is the start of the next season. – Austerities do not always go hand in hand with success – said Rafał Kot, a former white and red physiotherapist, in conversation with SPORT.TVP.PL. This weekend, competitors will compete to get the points of the World Cup on the site of Nizhny Tagil. Shows Saturday and Sunday at TVP Sport, SPORT.TVP.PL and mobile application.

source: SPORT.TVP.PL

Author: Filip Kołodziejski

29/11/2018 13:46

Vojtech Stursa on the left of the game, Kamil Stoch, Jakub Wolny, Dawid Kubacki, Piotr Żyła in the lower left (photo: Getty Images, Instagram)

Wojciech Fortuna: Maciej Kot already commits the error on the starting bar

After the tests, the measurements take place. Players enter the scales without shoes or inserts. About 1.5 kg lose on this. Before the season, the FIS did not change the IMC (body mass index, which is created by dividing the weight given in kilograms by the square of the person's height, expressed in meters). They can do it next season.

If anyone wants to ski on the previous length, he will need to gain about 1.5 kg. Few people decide for such a move. World leaders prefer to shorten skis, which facilitates the jump.

Weakness of the system

The FIS made another logical decision. First, trainers and activists will see how the introduced system works. The next changes to the BMI index may only appear during the 2019/2020 season – Cat said.

Mika Kojonkoski, FIS Chair for Ski Jumping and representative of China, agrees. – The Federation has responded well by increasing its BMI, but the weakness of the system remains the low weight of the players. This winter, we will find a solution that will prevent riders from taking care of their body mass – Noted, quoted by the journalists "Verdens Gang".

During the Pyongsang Olympics, social media released the photo of Vojtech Stursa, which showed the emaciated body ("When you jump like a Somali, you have to look like a Somali"). Fans criticized him and recalled the story of Sven Hannawald, who was suffering from anorexia a few years ago. He had to end his career, but he was dealing with the situation.

Vojtech Stursa (Instagram photo)

Poles are calm

Can similar situations be repeated in the coming months? The cat is calm about the health of the players.

Training staff have nothing to fear. They use biomechanics. The most important calculations are done by computer. In recent seasons, everything was very bad. Those who had to lose weight at all costs did not get good results. It was linked to the exhaustion of the body. Renunciation does not always go hand in hand with success – he added.

Players who maintain a natural weight are much easier. Seasonal fatigue increases from season to season. The changes will be useful. Polish? We do not have to be scared. They are well managed and prepared. Staff control the situation – sums up the former physiotherapist of the team.

Responsible for the jump to the PST: challenge Malysz and Szaranowicz!

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