No longer racism, but sexism. FIFA requires fewer shots with women


More and more sexist attacks against journalists during the 2018 World Cup. The restriction of showing the fair sex when forwarding matches is to help solve the problem.

For years, short fan plans have appeared in the shows of every game. They are usually beautiful women in sexy costumes. Such types of piercing have been considered as a manifestation of sexism. The International Federation of FIFA faces the opposite problem and suggests showing fewer photos of female fans who are barely dressed.

It's just a problem, the other is a lot more serious. According to the FARE report (Football Against Racism in Europe), about thirty incidents related to sexism were reported during the 2018 World Cup. In the streets of Russia, television journalists were kissed by the fans. It turns out that this phenomenon is much more dangerous than racism.

When Julia Guimaraes reported living, a strange man jumped to his lips. The Brazilian reporter managed to break and strongly explained that she did not want such behavior.

This is a warning for the future. Hopefully the International Federation of FIFA will be able to solve the problem and that there will be no such incidents at the next world championships.

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