Not just Ryanair. The difficult summer of low cost carriers


  In June, Ryanair canceled about 1,100 flights. Other cheap lines have similar problems

In June, Ryanair canceled about 1,100 flights. Other low cost airlines have similar problems / Deutsche Welle [19659003] Waiting time for a connection to the operator of an airline company of the Irish company Ryanair can exceed two hours on these days. It's no wonder that passengers are irritated by social media and criticize Ryanair and its competitor Eurowings for the lack of adequate information on missed flights and inadequate customer service.

In June, Ryanair canceled about 1,100 flights. For comparison – last June, only 47 flights were removed from the schedule. Next week, the Irish carrier intends to cancel another 600 flights due to the menacing strike by cabin crew. During the great heat, it is an extremely detrimental message for passengers, many of whom go on holidays in Spain and Portugal

The situation in other low-cost airlines is not better. Easyjet has announced 1263 flights canceled in June. At the request of the German television journal, the lines of Eurowings have admitted that in the first half of this year the aviation communications expert of the first German public television channel, ARD Michael Immel, said : "We are experiencing an unusually chaotic summer, the flights are canceled, the planes are notoriously late, the situation is dramatic and the airlines' opinion has been Passengers complain of lack of care and information insufficient. "More and more passengers ask why airline management does not prevail?"

The culprits are almost always different

Ryanair's CEO, Michael O 'Leary, relegates responsibility for other difficulties, with He believes that, particularly in Germany and the United Kingdom, there is a serious personnel crisis among flight controllers and a demanding intervention by both governments.

Jan Janochta of the Union of Air Traffic Controllers (GdF) admits that the controllers are indeed, not enough, but the low-cost airlines that criticize it are also not without fault.They try to reduce the cost of maintaining the services of the traffic for many years and now reap the benefits of their policy of false savings

– Ryanair has chosen the flight controllers for the scapegoat and decided to explain everything. But who will plead guilty and say that part of the problem is, for example, incorrect, minimizing the necessary reserves, personal planning and increasingly poor working conditions of the controllers? – Janochta asks rhetorically

Expert Immel admits that he is right. The bad weather and the shortage of controllers certainly affect the regularity of flights, but these two factors can not be responsible for everything. – Many delays on flights result from the reduction of aircrew in various airlines after the bankruptcy of Air Berlin. According to Immel, the integration of new employees is not as simple and harmonious as it was imagined,

The case is not simple

The lines of Eurowings have mentioned this issue as the main reason for the current difficulties next to the lack of a sufficient number of flight controllers, integration problems, but this time planes rather than pilots. It is a major difficulty for the integration of 70 passenger aircraft after the bankruptcy of Air Berlin in the fleet of Eurowings. Their registration took much longer than expected and their technical documentation was found to be incomplete. But now the lines have managed to mobilize all the machine reserves and their management is confident that "in July, the flight schedule will be maintained to a greater extent than the previous months."

As usual in aviation. personal, poor planning, delays in the implementation of the company's growth program. But that's not all. More and more, on the low cost airlines, the policy of literal economy on everything and planning "in touch" is now justified. The planes Eurowings and Ryanair make several flights a day because they only win in the air. It's time to clean up, refuel and accept new passengers to a minimum. All you need is a slight delay in the handling of one machine, so the next one has to wait longer and longer. This sounds like the illusion of creating traffic jams of several kilometers on highways

. Moreover, the crews are exposed to constant stress, often forgotten: "We are all constantly nervous, there are no constant changes, the crews change at the last moment, the entire planning system is wobbly, all this is extremely tiring, a long time ago. I do not have anything to do with it anymore, "says Christoph Drescher, UFO Vehicle Crew Member.

Janis Schmitt, of the pilot association of the Cockpit Association, speaks in the same way. He emphasizes that pilots often miss to fill all machines. If, as she claims, "the airline has appointed more reserve crews, the situation will no longer be as dramatic as today." Unfortunately, line management is still in progress point of contact, directly affecting the working conditions of Ryanair and Eurowings. , which differs greatly from the norms of the market. "

ARD / pa, Writing of Poland Deutsche Welle

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