Not only the "cold war": THREE FILMS IN POLAND have a chance to get an Oscar!


Not only

Although Polish cinematography, compared to the production of other countries, has been rather lame for years, something has begun to change for some time. It seems to be mainly the merit Pawel Pawlikowskiwhose film Ida from 2013, it was the first Polish feature film in history Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It turns out that the director has a great chance to repeat the success of a few years ago because his latest film Cold War has been happy for several months extremely popular not only in Poland but around the world, gathering only positive opinions.

see: Foreign Editors on the movie "Cold War": "THIS DOES IT!"

As every year, they appear in the second half of December selection of the closest Oscars, which is announced by the American Film Academy. Interestingly, this time they were there as much as three Polish films. This is of course Cold War. Communion Anna Zamecka and Ajka Sergei Dvortsevoya. Although the latter is a Kazakh tale about a Kyrgyz émigré in Moscow, he was created in cooperation with Poland.

It seems that the confrontation will not be the easiest. With native Cold War they will face, among others movies like those mentioned akja. guilty, or Danish crime thriller, or even Roma – Mexican winner of the Golden Lion in Venice, who is the undisputed favorite this year. and Communion will fight for a price with American movies: Will not you be my neighbor? and Tomorrow or the next day.

Oscar nominations will be announced on January 22, and only the Oscars will take place on February 24th.

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