November 28, 2018: Putin accuses Ukraine. Warsaw is in danger of paralysis


On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin spoke for the first time of the Black Sea incident. The Russian president accused the Ukrainian authorities of provocation. The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin could be the result of the crisis between Ukraine and Russia. These are the most important news in the world. Among the most important information from Poland, there was a message that the prosecutor had asked for the provisional arrest of former KNF leader Marek Ch. Investigators may soon have more work, as the VAT committee announced that it would inform the prosecutor's office of the possibility of crimes from former prime minister Sławomir Nowak's office and the former finance minister Jacek Rostowski. We have also learned that Warsaw is "threatened by garbage paralysis" – at least according to the Minister of the Environment, Henryk Kowalczyk.

A request for a two-month detention on remand of the former head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority Marek Ch. He heard a complaint about the violation of the powers of the KNF President . As prosecutor Tomasz Tadla said, he fears that the suspect is being matched. In addition, he faces a 10-year prison sentence.

<img src = "” alt=”Former KNF leader Marek Ch. Will he be arrested? There is a request from the prosecutor's office”/>

The incident in the Black Sea was a "provocation" organized by the Ukrainian authorities with the aim of defeating the words of President Petro Poroshenko before the presidential election next year and "calculated as a pretext "to introduce martial law in Ukraine – said Russian President Vladimir Putin to speech at the forum on investment in Moscow.

He also noted that the Ukrainian ships – which were subsequently stopped by the Russian special forces – did not respond to requests from the Russian border services and affected the territorial waters of his country.


Regarding the events that occurred in the Azov Sea, Donald Trump did not rule out the cancellation of the meeting with Vladimir Putin, scheduled for the upcoming G20 summit in Buenos Aires. The US president reported in an interview for the Washington Post.

"I condemn this aggression" – he stressed.

The actual abandonment of the meeting would be a blow to Vladimir Putin. For the moment, however, despite Trump's statement, the Russian side stressed that preparations for the talks are under way.

"Preparations are underway, the meeting is approved," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

<img src = "” alt=”Trump threatens to cancel the meeting with Putin, the Kremlin convinces: "Preparations are in progress"”/>

Donald Trump does not rule out canceling the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, scheduled at the upcoming G20 summit in Buenos Aires. The US president reported in an interview for the Washington Post. This is a reaction to recent events in the sea … read more

Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk accuses the capital's authorities of negligence. There is an unresolved call for tenders for waste disposal and current contracts end on January 1st. "We are threatened with garbage paralysis, Warsaw is perhaps the second Naples in terms of waste destruction," warned the environment minister. In turn, the city accuses the minister of closing new facilities to collect waste from the capital.


I think that he acted alone, that he is a black sheep, but all this will be known after his interrogation, "said Professor Elżbieta Chojna-Duch at the morning talk with RMF FM, Deputy Minister of Finance, about the case Marek Ch., Former Head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority The head of the KNF recommended him to the President of the National Bank of Poland , Adam Glapiński, who – according to Chojna-Duch – "is definitely in shock (…) because he trusts his protégé".

Robert Mazurek also raised the issue of the VAT investigation committee. Chojna-Duch in particular betrayed what led to the creation of a gigantic VAT deficit.

It's not just the rules, but the whole sequence of events. Thus, the application of the law, tax administration, tax audit, case law, tax interpretations are too modest. This is not only Polish law but also European law – explains the Deputy Minister of Finance in 2007-2010.


On Wednesday, demonstrating taxi drivers left the streets of Warsaw to draw attention to the lack of provisions governing the transport of people. They protested, because among the drivers involved in illegal transport, there are among others people without a driving license and foreigners who do not have the right to stay in Poland, and people who work are without a contract , in black.

At the same time, the road transport law that the government is working on will not be as restrictive as that required by taxi drivers – the FMR FM reporter said.

<img src = "” alt=”Government does not want to screw Uber bolt”/>

No regulations will completely block the operation of cheap transport companies such as Uber in Poland. The road transport law, on which the government is working, will not be as restrictive as that demanded by taxi drivers – said RMF FM reporter. read more

Despite amendments to the Supreme Court Law to meet Brussels' expectations, the EC has not yet withdrawn its complaint to the EU Court of Justice; he also does not abandon the Article 7 procedure – says Justice Commissioner Viera Jourovej.

<img src = "” alt=”The European Commission does not intend to withdraw the complaint of the CJEU against Poland”/>

Despite amendments to the Supreme Court Law to meet Brussels' expectations, the EC has not yet withdrawn its complaint to the EU Court of Justice; he also does not abandon the Article 7 procedure – says Justice Commissioner Viera Jourovej. read more

The VAT inquiry commission will inform the prosecutor's office of the possibility that a crime is being committed by former finance minister Jacek Rostowski and by the former head of the cabinet of the Prime Minister, Sławomir Nowak. This was announced by the chairman of this commission, the deputy of law and justice, Marcin Horała.

After an implicit meeting of the VAT inquiry commission, Mr. Horala said the commission had decided to go to the prosecutor's office to consider the possibility of a crime committed by the former Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski; this applies to four areas. The first is the supreme authority of the minister – Horala explained.

On the other hand, the charge against Sławomir Nowak concerns the loss of public property.

<img src = "” alt=”Rostowski and Nowak will be notified to the prosecution. It's about VAT”/>

Artificial intelligence can be a big threat to humanity. Thinking machines can bring us many threats. In a special interview with RMF FM and Interia, Steve Wozniak, one of the world's best-known engineers and co-creator of the Apple group, said Steve Wozniak, one of the most renowned engineers in the world.

I fear that we rely too much on artificial intelligence and that confidence in it leads us to many misfortunes. Take an example of an autonomous car. I doubt that it happens that the cars are fully driven. The first attempts have already caused many accidents and even death. I do not know if we will get to the point where this technology will become safe enough – asks Wozniak.

The artificial intelligence can not think. If that were the case, the role of the man could change. There is a risk that the man becomes a subordinate of the machine. But this is not possible in the centuries to come. For this to happen, the machines had to control everything in the world, including their own maintenance, which would also involve the extraction and processing of all the elements necessary for their construction, as well as the communication between many machines without human intervention. People would be needed in transport, in logistics. However, the existing machines are not "natural" enough. I do not think it's going to happen – notes the co-creator of Apple's concern.

<img src = "” alt=”Steve Wozniak, co-creator of Apple: I'm afraid we rely too much on artificial intelligence”/>

Around 12 January, the team of Russian Himalistas, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan intend to be on the K2 base, said FMR reporter Michał Rodak. Climbers must attempt the first winter climb on the last undiscovered mileage of eight thousand tons at this time of the year. However, the organizers of the expedition admit to having financial problems. On Thursday, the first winter conqueror Nanga Parbat, Alex Txikon, will unveil his plans for the winter. Bask has not yet confirmed his assumptions that he would also attack the top of the K2.

<img src = "” alt=”The Russians prepare a winter expedition to K2. "We have financial problems, but we are still going there"”/>

I entered the meeting schedule with environment ministers from different countries – Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk said during an interview in the afternoon in FMR FM when he asked her if he would meet the leader of the U2- group Bono at the climate summit in Katowice. I do not go out with celebrities, I meet ministers of the environment, which will be really numerous. We will talk about climate protection – explained Kowalczyk.

We will not close the European Commission. We apply all EC recommendations. There are no contradictions here – said Kowalczyk to the question on the fight against global warming. Asked about the climate strategy announced by the EC, he said that "the Commission does not impose a method on anyone, it only imposes an objective".

<img src = "” alt=”Bono at the Katowice climate summit? Minister of the Environment: I do not go out with celebrities”/>

Long-term forecasts for Poland. In the following days, a radical change of temperature awaits us. At first, the temperatures in the night will drop even up to -13 degrees Celsius. In turn, after the weekend, the temperature will increase considerably, the thermometers will indicate even +13 degrees.


Working more than 50 hours a week increases the risk of mental disorders. These are the results of the latest research by French scientists on occupational hygiene and workaholism.

According to scientists at the French Foundation, Pierre Deniker, the risk of mental disorders also increases irregular work schedules, too much stress, moral harassment and dissatisfaction with regard to the execution of mundane tasks. The research findings also indicate that women are less able to tolerate professional problems.

<img src = "” alt=”Working more than 50 hours a week harms the psyche!”/>

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