Novichok Skripal poisoning suspects identified: Press Association


(Reuters) – British investigators believe they have identified the alleged perpetrators of the Novichok attack against the Skripals, reported Thursday the Russian Press Association

the Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. Poison in March. The Skripals then recovered.

British police officers suspect several Russians of being involved in the assassination attempt of the Skripals and are looking for more than one suspect, reported the press association http: // bit Investigators identified the alleged perpetrators through CCTV and verified the recordings with records of people who entered the country at that time, he said.

In recent weeks, British anti-terrorism police have investigated the murder of a woman. died July 8, a little over a week after being exposed in Novichok near the city of Salisbury

(Report of Subrat Patnaik in Bengaluru, published by Gopakumar Warrier)

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