Nowoczesna addresses questions to the Prime Minister regarding GetBack –


A spokeswoman for the Modern Paulina Hennig-Kloska announced at a press conference on Tuesday that she was addressing Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to ask him a question about GetBack. The MEP wants to know what the Polish state has done to guard against risks and losses, citizens who have invested in GetBack bonds before problems and irregularities are manifested and insolvency of the company becomes a fact.

Hennig-Kloska also wants to know is that in 2017 KNF, UOKiK, GWP and Special Services received information about irregularities in GetBack, and if so, what irregularities and threats indicated these reports.

MP also asks whether Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister Teresa Czerwińska was aware of anonymous complaints and why supervision, services, UOKiK and the government have not taken seriously the warnings regarding irregularities in the area. 39; GetBack activity and have not undertaken any explanatory actions as of December 2017.

Modern also wants to know whether in the face of official corruption signals and the prosecutor's office of the PFSA has opened an investigation, and if not why.

Hennig-Kloska also announced that he would ask Sejm President Marek Kuchciński to join the next Sejm (scheduled for July 13-14). State authorities regarding the irregularities in GetBack and the lack of reaction of the KNF and UOKiK to fraud reports in the company in December 2017.

GetBack deals with the management of claims. It was created in 2012 and its shares started on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in July 2017.

In April, the WSE, at the request of KNF, suspended the trading of GetBack shares. This happened after April 16 in the morning, the company said that it is negotiating with PKO BP and the Polish Development Fund regarding mixed loans and investment financing for an amount ranging from up to 250 million zlotys. The announcement of the company showed that the information was agreed "with all parties involved". However, PKO BP and PFR have denied the information that they are conducting such discussions. This triggered the KNF reaction. As a result, the GetBack Supervisory Board immediately recalled Konrad K. as Chairman of the company. (PAP)

author: Edyta Roś

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