Odeta Moro organized a babysitter


Odeta Moro who is in relationship with Konrad Komornicki, expects at the birth of a son, Lew. The reporter from time to time on her Instagram account surprises her fans with pictures of preparations to welcome the child. This time the surprise was brought by the future mother of his closest friends. Moro was surprised by the baby shower organized in his absence.

– Yesterday was a nice surprise! Despite the holidays and traveling, a large group of women who was closest to me, she was waiting for me upon my return from Sopot. My house was turned into a blue paradise, and the tables curled under delicious meringues and homemade cakes. For everything held secretly in front of me, they adopted work code names, for example Monika turned into Wandy! Equipped with gifts, self-nested sweaters, fed and drunk champagne without alcohol, I sleep as a child. Today I see that it was not a dream just a reception of charm organized at the highest level. If you ever need help, I will give you a number for each Wanda who knows how to do such events. You will be satisfied! Thank you – we read next to the photo on the journalist's profile.

Adrianna Biedrzyńska and the journalist Marta Kuligowska appeared among the guests

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