Office of the Prosecutor: Gawłowski's release threatens investigation


The release of deputy Stanisław Gawłowski from prison is "a serious threat to the proper conduct of the investigation" – the prosecutor believes. According to her, being in nature gives her, among other things the opportunity to exert pressure on witnesses, as well as to adopt a common line of defense with other suspects.

MP Gawłowski left the arrest

General Secretary Stanisław Gawłowski left the Szczecin detention center after three months. Before leaving, he and the family were waiting for him …

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"In the opinion of the Public Prosecutor, the application by the court of the detention of Stanisław G. with the condition of its repeal after paying a guarantee of ownership is a serious threat to the Good conduct of the investigation.The magnitude of losses suffered and the personal benefits of Stanisław G. and other suspects regarding the so-called drainage case raises serious concerns as to the maturity of the former deputy minister of the environment, "said the prosecution.

As stressed, being at liberty gives him the opportunity to put pressure on witnesses and s & # 39; 39, hear on a common line of defense with other suspects, including the MP's wife, the in-laws of his son-in-law and his friends. "Being at liberty, there was a deputy minister who knows the scope of investigations in corruption cases, and has the opportunity to reach the people s whose interrogations have just been scheduled to establish common versions of events with them ".

According to her, as an element of pressure on the people interviewed in the survey, "the suspect's activity in the media" can also be perceived.

"Stanisław G., using his gratitude for his political duties, runs a media campaign, presenting himself contrary to the evidence gathered by the prosecutor's office as a person accidentally entangled in the scandal, suggesting to the witnesses the contents of the testimony. "- said PK.

Gawłowski was detained from mid-April this year in connection with the five charges against him, including corruption.

Office of the Prosecutor: MP Gawłowski was supposed to to receive 100 000 bribe and apartment in Croatia

The prosecutor's office wants to present to Stanisław Gawłowski two new accusations: the parties of Bogdan K. PLN 100,000 and is worth more than 48 thousand Euro …

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Prosecutors accused Gawłowski that in exchange for aid for obtaining several million contracts from the Council for the Improvement and Water of Western Pomerania in Szczecin, he accepted at least 170,000 from one of the entrepreneurs. jar of wine. According to investigators, new evidence, obtained after the detention of the deputy, indicate that it could have been at least 405 thousand. Zł.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor, fears of apprehension are all the more justified as the Politician of the Platform made such attempts before being arrested.

"The suspects, acting jointly and in agreement with Stanisław G., have entered into a fictitious contract for the sale of an apartment of nearly 50,000 euros in Croatia, which according to the prosecutor's office was a financial benefit given by the suspect Bogdan K. During a search at Stanisław G., he kept them at home, even though the apartment allegedly belonged to his step-son's parents-in-law. It is clear from the information obtained from the tax services, did not have the financial means to acquire this property, "says PK

As PK points out, the apartment actually belonged to a deputy and the measures taken by him they were trying to hide that "he had it because of a corrupt crime." "For this reason, the prosecutor's office has already appealed to Marshal Sejm for consent to the Criminal charge of Stanisław G. also for these new crimes, and the related proceedings can also be difficult if the suspect is free "- noted the prosecutor's office

At the attempt of the deputy, before the prosecutor has made pleadings with his participation , they also indicated – as explained the public prosecutor's office – discovered during searches at Stanisław G. photocopies of letters concerning criminal proceedings ongoing drainage case. "The deputy was not a party to the proceedings and he was not allowed to dispose of these documents" – said PK.

"Alarm!": An investment drowned. In the background, MP Gawłowski passes

. It was supposed to be a recreational oasis – a tourist center with a host of modern sailors and marinas. Instead, in Lake Jamno (woj ….

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On Thursday, Gawłowski left the prison where he had been since mid-April. in relation to the five charges against him, including corruption.

Prosecutors have accused Gawłowski that in exchange for help in obtaining several million contracts from the West Pomeranian Water Improvement and Improvement Board. in Szczecin, he accepted at least 170,000 from one of the contractors. jar of wine. According to investigators, new evidence, obtained after the detention of the deputy, indicate that it could have been at least 405 thousand. Zł.

As deputy minister of environmental protection of the PO-PSL government, Gawłowski also asked the contractor to pay the director of the West Pomeranian Board of Improvement a bribe At least 200 000 PLN and two watches with a total value of 26 000 PLN. The other allegations concern the disclosure of classified information and the plagiarism of the doctoral thesis. The investigation concerns the so-called "favoring case" and irregularities in the implementation of at least 105 investments worth several hundred million zlotys, made by the Board of Directors. 39; Landscaping and Water of Western Pomerania in Szczecin.

During the investigation, 56 people heard allegations so far. Among them are the director and the deputy director of the Soil Remediation Council of West Pomerania, the employees of the management units of this plant, the construction managers in the entities providing services for him, as well as the contractors.


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