Official: Trump asked advisers about the possibility of invading Venezuela in 2017


Trump's aides, including National Security Advisor HR McMaster, vigorously pressed him against Venezuela's military invasion, warning him that he could turn against him. and explaining that American allies in the region were strongly opposed to such action. Military action against Venezuela would be a dramatic escalation of the only diplomatic, sanctions-driven US response to the political and economic crisis in the South American country.

was "no imminent plan for a military strike" and rigged the comments to Trump's thinking "aloud."

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"The President says and thinks many different things," said the official. "He just thinks aloud."

Trump 's private comments to his advisers were first reported by the Associated Press. They came a day before he publicly said – standing alongside the then Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and the US Ambassador to the United States. UN Nikki Haley – that he was not taking "a military option" against Venezuela.

The following month, Latin American leaders continued to put pressure on Latin American leaders, including on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly when he dined with several of these leaders – who all said they did not want the US invasion of Venezuela. Trump has taken many steps to increase pressure on the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The administration promulgated numerous sanctions and issued strong statements urging the Venezuelan government to allow the holding of free and fair elections

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Just as in his discussions of military action in Venezuela, Trump's aides dissuaded him from taking such action.

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