Oleksandr Usyk – Murat Gasijew LIVING RELATIONSHIPS. Hi defeated the Russian!



Author: WBSS
Olekandr Usyk – Murat Gasijew LIVE. RELATIONS LIVE OF Fight

Oleksander Usyk (15-0, 11 KB) gave a boxing concert and beat Russian Murat Gasiiev (26-1, 19 ko.o.) unanimously in Moscow for dots. Thus, the Ukrainian WBC and WBO added trophies WBA, IBA, Muhammad Ali Cup and became the undisputed champion of the junior heavyweights. Here is a live account of the battle of Usyk-Gasijew


Welcome to the reality of the final battles of the tournament of the Super World Boxing Series Oleksandr Usyk – Murat Gassijew. The dual duel in Moscow is the Muhammad Ali Cup, WBC belts, WBO, IBF, WBA and the absolute world championship among junior heavyweights!

Oleksandr Usyk and Murat Gassijew have to fight around 22:45 Polish time.

Abel Sanchez, the coach of Murat Gassiiev, causes this fight: If Usyk fights like Mairis Breidis, he will be on his back before the ninth round: "Let's remember that Oussyk won against the Latvia for points

Mairis Briedis defeated unanimously In a moment the fight of the evening Usyk – Gassijew!

Anounser David Diamante already in the ring In a moment he will call Usyka and Gassijewa

The first to enter the ring is Murat Gassijew Russian .Euforia at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow!

Now the WBC champion and the WBO heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk

The hymns of Russia and Ukraine are already behind us Time to fight!

Usyk began aggressively, who harassed Gassijew with a series of forehands, strained, he gave some shots in this round.

Finally, Gassijew accelerated! He took out some bombs on the body of Usyka. The public in Moscow is crazy! However, the Ukrainian quickly mastered the situation and bit with long straight lines. In the end, the Russian has increased the pace.

Usyk tries to hit his opponent with forehands, while Gassiiev goes like a ram and hunt powerful hens on the liver. Usyk dances in the ring as a ballet dancer. The question is, how much strength does it have?

Gassijew started a great left-right action on the liver, and Usyk immediately moved the fight away. Some bombs from Gassijewa, however, arrived at the end. At the end of Murat, he hit a powerful jaw right! How did Usyk stop this?

A powerful blow from the tip of the previous turn did not violate Usyka, but made him hold his hands higher. Gassijew is like a cruiser waiting for a blow. With these sickles he could destroy houses! The only weapons of Usyka are always straight shots.

Usyk accelerates. He added sickles to strong forehands. Gaasijew did not do much, though. He always goes like a tank in front and throws powerful sickles every turn. The Ukrainian is more active, but Gassijev is more accurate.

The Hearing is constantly trying to disassemble Gassijev's guard with forehands. For most of the round, the Russian avoided the fight as he wanted to catch his breath. In the end, he pressed and attacked Usyka with a series of strokes so that the audience jumped out of their seats. During one of the attacks, however, he hit below the belt and the judge caught his eye.

The same battle scenario continues: Usyk leads hundreds of forehands, landing mainly on Gassijewa's grip. As soon as the Russian accelerates, it's hot. At the end of the round, the Ukrainian put a few strokes on the face of Gassiev

Impressive start of Usyka! Some violent blows came to the grenades of Gassijew. "Iron" responds with simple sickles. The Ukrainian became very happy and begins to show an increasingly sophisticated box

Ukrainian Usyk is getting more and more excited! Attacks from below, from above, from the side … Gassijew has highlighted some dangerous moves, but it shows more and more frustration. Usyka boxing is a professor today.

Gassiiev wants to shorten the distance, but he has to face the huge Usyka bombs! The blows of the Ukrainian are treated with the submachine gun, and the Russians sometimes only claim to find a hole. Another round for Usyka.

Which box by Usyka! The Ukrainian began with a series of forehands, after a while he added sickles, and an exhausted Russian could not answer. The simple Usyka was like a shield through which Gassiev could not break through. Another tour for Ukrainian. End of the duel! It's time for the judges to score!

120-110, 119-108, 119-108 for Usyka. Usyk an undisputed heavyweight champion!

The Muhammad Ali trophy was given to Usyk by the legendary American woman – Yolanda

This is the end of the relationship between Usyk and Gassijew. Thank you for your attention and welcome to the next relationship on sport.se.pl!

WBSS Final: Oleksandr Usyk – Murat Gasheev ONLINE LIVE RELATIONSHIP Live from the fight Usyk-Gasijew. This duel was to take place a long time ago. A Ukrainian, Oleksandr Usyk and Russia's Murat Gasijew, after conquering other hurdles in the prestigious World Boxing Super Series junior heavyweight tournament, were scheduled to fight in Saudi Arabia in May. However, Usyk was seriously injured by his elbow. We had to postpone the fight. There was also a lot of confusion with the change of the organizer of the hit fight Usyk – Gasijew. The Russians entered the match. Finally, the fight Usyk-Gasijew will take place on July 21 at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow. Stwakę will be the title of the world's best junior heavyweight boxer, WBO and WBC World Champion belts for Usyka, as well as WBA and IBF belts owned by Gasijew. It is therefore not surprising that the struggle between Usyk and Gasijew arouses great interest.

Usyk – Gasijew: WHEN THE STRUGGLE? What time is it? LIVE REPORT from Usyk-Gasijew. According to the bookmakers, the fight between Oleksandr Usyk and Murat Gasijew is no big favorite. The chances of a Ukrainian and a Russian are judged similarly with a slight indication of Usyka, who was preparing Kiev for the fight against Gasijew. The London Olympic gold medalist ensures that he feels good and that there is no trace of an elbow injury. – Everything is already good. I have a family with me, close friends and I know that I have done a great job. What can I dream of more? I feel good! – Usyk said. – Murat Gasiev? He is a tough guy, "says Usyk, who assures him that he is not afraid to fight in hostile territory in Moscow. The boxer has often stressed his patriotism, and relations between Ukraine and Russia are very tense. – Do I look like someone who is afraid to fight? I can fight anywhere. I'm excited to think about this fight. I am a professional, a warrior and it is not important for me where I am fighting. I just want to fight. I am going back to the enemy's territory. It was the same in the quarterfinals and semi-finals and I always won. Now I'm going to Moscow too for a win – says Usyk. According to the Ukrainian, it will be a fascinating duel: – When two strong guests meet in the ring, the duel is always interesting! I said it before the fight and now I repeat: the fans can expect a nice final!

Fight Usyk – Gasijew ONLINE ONLINE RELATIONSHIP ON INTERNET. Oleksand Usyk and Murat Gasijew have made great efforts to reach the final of the World Series Super Series. A Ukrainian, who took the belt of world champion Krzysztof Głowacki two years ago, first brutally wiped out the representative of Germany, Marco Hucka. Then Usyk is busy with the dangerous Latvian Mairis Briedis. Russian gasijew at the WBSS final started with an easy victory over Krzysztof "Diablo" Włodarczyk. Later, after an exciting duel, he dealt with Kubanczyk Yunie Dorticos

World Series Super Series Final: Oleksandr Usyk – Murat Gasijew. The Usyk-Gasijew duel in the final of the WBSS will take place on July 21, 2018 at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow. Fight of the evening around 22 Polish time. We invite you to our live report.

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