Oliwia Bieniuk hailed the stylization. "Everything goes with the color of the bike!" Also Gliwińska reviews


Oliwia Bieniuk, daughter of Anna Przybylska and Jarosław Bieniuk, is very active in the network. On his Instagram, new photos appear from time to time. Recently she put a photo of a bicycle ride there, which impressed observers with stylization.

Oliwia Bieniuk on a bicycle

There was no compliment in the comments.

What's your great blouse!

Candy. Everything corresponds to the color of the bike. Ekstra

Uuuu, the glasses are sweeping – we read.

Among the avalanche of comments, it also appeared from Martyna Gliwiñska, the ex-partner of the father of the teenager, Jaros³aw Bieniuk.

Very kind – wrote Gliwińska.

Olivia did not leave her unanswered.

Thank you very much – she replied.

The two never hid that they had great contact with each other. Apparently, after the breakup, their relationship has not changed


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