Olszewski for Rzeczpospolita: Courts in Poland must be reformed


Courts in Poland must be reformed, although the changes will last for many years – said the lawyer's lawyer "Rzeczpospolita" on Wednesday, former Prime Minister Jan Olszewski [19659002]

Jan Olszewski

When asked how he evaluates the reform of justice, he replied that in his opinion "the courts in Poland must be reformed". "There is no doubt for anyone, except for a certain part – the top – of the judges' environment" – he said. He pointed out, however, that "judicial reform is not carried out in a few months, six months, one year". "It's a long process that requires profound changes," he added.

According to him, "the reform of the judiciary is yet to come". "Changes in the judiciary will last for many years, maybe even a decade" – says a lawyer, who asks if the Supreme Court will now be a dual power, he responds that it is difficult to talk about dual power when the competence of the president makes it possible to decide. transition smoothly. "He recalled that" Prof. Gersdorf has indicated a person who replaces her during the holidays, and the president has accepted this choice. "According to him," Gersdorf has changed his mind under the pressure of his environment. "" We can see that she wrong and that she is tired, although this fatigue did not prevent her from speaking in Germany, which was scandalous, "Olszewski said in an interview. German lawyers with the message: I will be the first president of the SN in exile, "was unacceptable." "German judges should tell Prof. Gersdorf how the judiciary was cleansed after the fall of the GDR", he added.

According to Olszewski, "Professor Gersdorf makes an operetta, presenting himself to an international judge in exile." According to him, it was "a performance that compromised the professor, the participants and diminished the prestige of the Commonwealth." "This question should be quickly and clearly cut" – he stressed. He added that he is not a supporter of "radical steps" and believes that in some situations "Minister Ziobro exaggerates in his activity, but in this case immediate action is necessary."

Asked, or prof. Gersdorf "should yield", he replied that "the election of the new first President of the Supreme Court should be made". "Of course, within the legal deadlines," he added.

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